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What’s Snapchat Doing With Jeff Koons?

Photo: Snapchat

A strange new website has appeared in the wilds of the web. It’s called, and it’s very mysterious. It’s got a countdown clock and everything! What’s gonna happen? It looks like Snapchat is collaborating with Jeff Koons.

If you look through the CSS and JavaScript files associated with the site (now locked down), you can find some clues. There’s a picture of the artist Jeff Koons. There are also mock-ups of Koons statues in front landmarks, like “Balloon Dog” in Central Park and “Popeye” in front of the Sydney Opera House. There are also statues seen in front of the Eiffel Tower, the Bellagio in Las Vegas, and … a beach somewhere.

If I were a betting man, I’d bet that Snapchat was putting some famous Jeff Koons pieces in augmented reality, and geofencing them to specific landmarks worldwide. The site was coded in such a way that if you just set your computer’s clock to tomorrow afternoon, you could check everything out.

Hey, look! Someone did that. See you tomorrow afternoon, Jeff!

What’s Snapchat Doing With Jeff Koons?