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You’ll Be Able to Customize Your Bitmoji With More Detail Soon

If there’s one continual gripe about Bitmoji, it’s the lack of detail. You can spend hours tweaking your digital doppelgänger and still end up with something that’s not quite how you want it to look. It’s clear that it’s supposed to be you, but it’s not you.

Today, Bitmoji owner Snapchat seeks to rectify this problem with the announcement of Bitmoji Deluxe. The new style of Bitmoji, in addition to the standard style and ancient Bitstrips style, features “additional skin tones, hairstyles, hair colors, facial features, accessories and more,” according to a press release. You can also take a selfie to get a head start on designing your avatar.

To get started, update your Bitmoji app (it may not have fully rolled out yet, but should soon), then go into the app’s settings and change your base avatar style under “Change Avatar Style.” Take a look below.

Snapchat Announces Bitmoji Deluxe, With More Detail