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Displaying all articles tagged:
Beto O’rourke
Apr. 23, 2019
Warren’s Impeachment Gambit Could Work Out Well for Her
By endorsing impeachment even as House Democratic leaders and most of her rivals held back, she could strengthen her claim to progressive support.
Ed Kilgore
vision 2020
Apr. 19, 2019
Has Joe Biden Lost His Ability to Unite Democrats?
If elite progressive concerns about Biden spread to actual Democratic voters, his status as a potential unity candidate could be seriously damaged.
Ed Kilgore
vision 2020
Apr. 17, 2019
Why Julián Castro Could Be 2020’s Dark Horse Candidate
The former San Antonio mayor and head of HUD has a long way to go to become a viable candidate, but the Latino vote could give him a path to victory.
Ed Kilgore
vision 2020
Apr. 16, 2019
In a Eulogy for a Friend, Biden May Have Buried the Old Democratic Party, Too
Biden and his late South Carolina friend were both embodiments of a more accommodating era of politics. Can Biden “evolve” beyond it?
Ed Kilgore
vision 2020
Apr. 15, 2019
From Breezy Beto to Wonky Warren: How Candidates Use Policy
Policies can be an ideological marker, a signature, or even an identity.
Ed Kilgore
vision 2020
Apr. 15, 2019
Why Joe Biden’s ‘Obama Strategy’ Is Smart — and Risky
Obama’s mantle can hide a multitude of Biden’s political sins. But it also draws attention to Obama’s hands-off attitude toward 2020.
Ed Kilgore
vision 2020
Apr. 14, 2019
What Changes When the Presidential Field Is Full of Mothers, Not Just Fathers
Fatherhood has generally worked as a bonus for male politicians. For women in politics, motherhood is much more complicated.
Rebecca Traister
vision 2020
Apr. 14, 2019
The 10 Worst Presidential-Nomination Campaigns
There have been plenty of woofers — and warnings — for the 2020 presidential field.
Ed Kilgore
vision 2020
Apr. 11, 2019
Why Democrats Could Pick a Nominee Sooner Than You Think
While pundits like to dream of a contested convention, an early knockout remains a real possibility.
Ed Kilgore
vision 2020
Apr. 8, 2019
Who’s Leading the 2020 Democratic Puppy Primary?
An Instagram-friendly family dog is the must-have accessory of the Democratic primary.
Adam K. Raymond
vision 2020
Apr. 2, 2019
A Yearbook of the 2020 Presidential Candidates
Among these major-party contenders, we found a debate champion, varsity athletes, student-government leaders, and a few very enthusiastic music fans.
Yelena Dzhanova
vision 2020
Apr. 1, 2019
Trump’s Border Rhetoric Is Overblown, But Democrats Still Need a Solution
Beto O’Rourke is calling for more assistance to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Central America. Other 2020 candidates should take note.
Ed Kilgore
vision 2020
Mar. 31, 2019
Are Some 2020 Democrats Using Google Translate for Their Spanish Websites?
Grammar errors and passages seemingly ripped from Google Translate are emblematic of 2020 Democrats’ larger problems with Spanish-speaking voters.
Matt Stieb
vision 2020
Mar. 27, 2019
Should Democrats Worry About Political Experience in 2020?
Democrats have the choice of heavily credentialed and inexperienced candidates for president against the president who broke the mold.
Ed Kilgore
vision 2020
Mar. 19, 2019
Intelligencer Chat: Does Beto’s Policy Vision Matter?
Some Democratic candidates are ultraspecific about what they’d do in office; others are mostly vague. How much do voters care either way?
Benjamin Hart,
Jonathan Chait,
Ed Kilgore
health care
Mar. 19, 2019
Beto and Bernie Offer Competing Plans to Fix Health Care
Medicare for All is still the dominant Democratic health-care idea for 2020, but the less ambitious plan backed by O’Rourke could be a competitor.
Ed Kilgore
vision 2020
Mar. 18, 2019
What Beto Backlash? Fundraising Haul Undercuts Reports of a Disastrous Launch
Despite negative reactions among journalists and on Twitter, his campaign raised $6.1 million in the first 24 hours, beating Bernie Sanders’s record.
Ed Kilgore
the national circus
Mar. 15, 2019
Frank Rich: The Senate’s Rebuke of Trump Isn’t a GOP Rebellion
If Susan Collins is the party’s profile in intellectual courage, it’s hard to know whether to laugh or cry.
Frank Rich
vision 2020
Mar. 14, 2019
Beto’s Cool, But Can He Win a Presidential Nomination?
If O’Rourke can pass some early tests, his fundraising chops and his ability to mobilize young and Latino voters could make him formidable.
Ed Kilgore
the national interest
Mar. 14, 2019
Beto O’Rourke Has a Good Reason He’s Running. He Just Can’t Say It.
Being a telegenic communicator is actually a good argument for heading up the ticket.
Jonathan Chait
vision 2020
Mar. 11, 2019
The GOP Is Already Attacking Beto — for His White Male Privilege
The Texas congressman isn’t an official 2020 candidate. But Republicans are already attacking O’Rourke
from the left
on the airwaves in Iowa.
Eric Levitz
vision 2020
Mar. 7, 2019
Republicans Are Going to Try the ‘Red Scare’ Strategy in 2020. Will It Work?
Americans are now less hostile to socialism, but Republicans will still try their old strategy, as they need a distraction from Trump’s shortcomings.
Ed Kilgore
vision 2020
Feb. 20, 2019
Big Trend Among Democratic Presidential Candidates: Capitalism
While socialism is all the buzz in certain elite circles, old-fashioned regulated capitalism still prevails among most of Bernie Sanders’s rivals.
Ed Kilgore
tales from the trail
Jan. 25, 2019
Democratic Ex-Presidents Expected to Sit Out 2020 Primaries
But they are taking meetings … Also: Gillibrand talks to potential big-money donors and Beto gets signs from potential high-profile supporters.
Gabriel Debenedetti
vision 2020
Jan. 23, 2019
Biden and Beto Boosted GOP Candidates in 2018. That’s Disqualifying.
In a historically important midterm election, Biden and O’Rourke boosted vulnerable GOP incumbents over the objections of local Democratic parties.
Eric Levitz
2020 presidential election
Jan. 18, 2019
2020 Candidates Carry Heavy Baggage, and Trump Is Sure to Exploit That
Today’s harsh intraparty criticism, most recently aimed at Kamala Harris, will become fodder for Trump’s war on his eventual 2020 opponent.
Ed Kilgore
tales from the trail
Jan. 18, 2019
Kamala Harris Zeroes In on Baltimore for 2020 Headquarters
According to Democrats familiar with her thinking. Also: Thoughts from a Beto booster and a run by L.A. mayor Eric Garcetti looks less likely.
Gabriel Debenedetti
2020 presidential election
Jan. 13, 2019
What ‘Lanes’ Will the 2020 Democratic Candidates Run In?
In a field this large and complicated, it will be tempting to imagine sub-primaries to winnow the numbers. But it may not work out that way.
Ed Kilgore
2020 elections
Jan. 9, 2019
Beto O’Rourke the Latest Potential Presidential Draftee
O’Rourke isn’t a war hero or a national leader like most earlier candidates being courted for a presidential run. But it helps him stay in the news.
Ed Kilgore
vision 2020
Jan. 9, 2019
Why Chris Christie Is a Cautionary Tale for 2020 Hopefuls
There are lessons in his story for Beto O’Rourke, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and others considering a White House Run.
Gabriel Debenedetti
the national interest
Dec. 28, 2018
Why the Bernie Movement Must Crush Beto O’Rourke
A movement and a candidate on a collision course.
Jonathan Chait
2020 elections
Dec. 27, 2018
6 Reasons Bernie Sanders Has Lost His 2016 Mojo
Sanders isn’t as unique as he was in 2016, but he is four years older and can’t get away with any mistakes.
Ed Kilgore
2020 elections
Dec. 27, 2018
Could a Huge Field Lead to the Democrats Nominating Their Own Donald Trump?
A huge upset by an outsider on the Democratic side is possible but not terribly likely.
Ed Kilgore
2020 elections
Dec. 15, 2018
If Beto and Biden Got Together, Would the Age Gap Be a Problem?
30 years separate the former veep and the Texas phenom. That might not be a good thing for either of them.
Ed Kilgore
2020 presidential election
Dec. 12, 2018
Warning to Beto-Maniacs: Early Presidential Buzz Can Be an Omen or an Illusion
Beto O’Rourke is looking very good as a 2020 presidential prospect. But others have looked just as good and have quickly flamed out or failed to run.
Ed Kilgore
2020 election
Dec. 5, 2018
When Barack Met Beto
The flirtation of ObamaWorld with Beto O’Rourke’s presidential ambitions is worth its weight in gold to the Texan.
Ed Kilgore
2020 presidential election
Dec. 4, 2018
7 House Members Are Eyeing a ’20 Presidential Bid. History Says It’s a Long Shot
It’s been a long time — 140 years, to be exact — since someone has gone from the House to the White House.
Ed Kilgore
vision 2020
Dec. 3, 2018
Kamala Harris’s Decision, Sherrod Brown’s Haircut, and Other 2020 Tidbits
Kamala Harris says she’ll decide if she’s running for president in the coming weeks, and she’s not the only potential candidate talking 2020.
Adam K. Raymond
2018 midterms
Nov. 28, 2018
Can a 27-Year-Old Political Neophyte Run the Third-Largest County in America?
Lina Hidalgo was elected to run a county with a $5 billion budget, thanks to Beto and straight-ticket voting. And she has a plan.
Nick Tabor
2020 elections
Nov. 26, 2018
Beto Is No Longer Ruling Out a 2020 Presidential Run
The Texas political phenom removes one obstacle to an increasingly feasible challenge to Donald Trump.
Ed Kilgore
vision 2020
Nov. 23, 2018
How Early Voting Could Turn the Democratic 2020 Race on Its Head
Will campaigning in L.A., Austin, and Chicago now be just as important as in Des Moines and Concord?
Gabriel Debenedetti
2020 elections
Nov. 16, 2018
Should Democrats Focus On the Heartland or the Sunbelt in 2020?
The midterm results don’t really dictate either approach, but a 2020 candidate might.
Ed Kilgore
Nov. 9, 2018
A Different Kind of Democratic Party Is Rising in the South
A more diverse and ideologically progressive breed of southern Democrat is moving to the fore, based on a coalition of minority and suburban voters.
Ed Kilgore
Nov. 7, 2018
Beto O’Rourke and the Limits of Charisma
In his attempt to unseat Ted Cruz, the Texas congressman earned the “rock star” label. It wasn’t enough.
Andrew Rice
Nov. 5, 2018
Beto O’Rourke Still Believes
Hours before polls open, O’Rourke is arguing that unexpected things can happen on Election Day.
Andrew Rice
Nov. 4, 2018
Beto O’Rourke Is Not Afraid of the Border
President Trump’s hysteria about the southern border could provide a boost to the would-be senator who was born there.
Andrew Rice
Nov. 2, 2018
Beto O’Rourke’s Case for Irrational Optimism
He’s behind in the polls, and the experts have written off his chances. But the crowds are still turning out.
Andrew Rice
2018 midterms
Oct. 29, 2018
Polling Update: Every Day Brings Conflicting Evidence of Midterm Trends
Eight days out and counting, Democrats remain on the cusp of a pretty solid midterm win — but it’s close.
Ed Kilgore
2018 midterms
Oct. 22, 2018
First Early Voting Numbers Are Big. But It’s Not Clear What They Mean Yet.
We could see historic levels of early voting, and of midterm voting — but it’s still not clear which party will benefit.
Ed Kilgore
2018 midterms
Oct. 22, 2018
Dems Still Have a Good Shot at Flipping House, But Senate Is an Uphill Battle
Fifteen days before the midterms, polls show the House going blue, but the GOP is likely to maintain Senate control, or even pick up a seat or two.
Ed Kilgore
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