The Hostage Democratic VoteBiden wants to keep deporting people. Trump gives many voters no choice but to support the former vice-president.
ByZak Cheney-Rice
vision 2020
Why Hasn’t Cory Booker Broken Through?Intelligencer staffers discuss the New Jersey senator’s campaign struggles, and whether he could still make a run.
ByJonathan Chait, Zak Cheney-Rice, and Benjamin Hart
How Centrist Democrats Botched the 2020 PrimaryModerates are realizing, with horror, that their best bets are now a senescent, cash-poor Biden — or a college-town mayor with no black support.
The Bernie vs. Warren Debate We NeedWhich candidate has the best unpassable plans doesn’t matter. Which one has a better strategy for building the left’s power does.
Warren Takes Lead in Key Iowa PollShe’s narrowly ahead of Biden, but Iowa Democrats remain mostly uncommitted with less than five months before the caucuses.
Democracy Dies When Labor Unions DoStrengthening unions should be at the heart of any agenda for reviving American democracy because labor’s weakness is at the heart of its decline.
Would You Leave Joe Biden Alone With Trump?At the third Democratic debate, Biden was at his weakest when tired and on the defensive. How will he hold up against Trump’s attacks in 12 months?
Bernie Sanders Is the Howard Schultz of the LeftThere’s one independent 2020 candidate trying to unite red and blue America around bipartisan, common sense solutions. And it isn’t the coffee man.
Joe Biden May Be Less Electable Than He LooksWhen voters are presented with negative information about both Biden and Trump, the Democrat’s advantage disappears, according to a new poll.
Is the Biden Appeal About to Fade?Amid allegations of inappropriate touching, he remains the Democratic poll leader. Intelligencer staffers discuss how solid his advantage really is.