Displaying all articles tagged:

High School

  1. crime
    The Golden Boys of NyackBaseball was once the pride of the town. Then a sex-abuse scandal threatened to tear it apart.
  2. torn up and apart
    How New York High-School Students Are Processing the WarTeenagers looking for answers.
  3. white supremacy
    Racism Is Good at Hiding. Just Ask This White Nationalist Police Officer.A school resource officer in Virginia is also a member of Identity Evropa. His job? To help bigots conceal their bigotry from the public.
  4. select all
    This Teacher, Whose Students Chipped In to Buy Him Sneakers, Is the Most HappyA California teacher mentioned he liked a student’s shoes on the first day of school, so the class bought him the same pair for Christmas.
  5. classroom
    Laurene Powell Jobs’s $100 Million Mission to Disrupt American High School“We should have the best education system in the world! Of course we should!”
  6. select all
    High-Schooler Flawlessly Re-creates Kindergarten Picture for Senior YearThe pigtails really complete the look.
  7. Actually Good Senior Prank Turns High School Into Dog ParkSo. Many. Dogs.
  8. America Brings Home Bad Report CardHigh-school seniors in the U.S. showed no gains in math or reading skills in 2015. Only 37 percent were prepared for college coursework.
  9. Calligraphy Crisis Closes Virginia SchoolsSome parents interpreted the lesson as an attempt to indoctrinate their children into Islam.
  10. Mass Stabbing Reported at PA High SchoolMultiple people were injured this morning outside of Pittsburgh.
  11. terrible things
    NYC High-School Dean Allegedly Had Sex With Four StudentsAccording to a disgusting new report.
  12. fema
    New York Plans a High School of Emergency ManagementHurricane Sandy’s influence at work.
  13. kids today
    Cell Phone Storage Truck for High Schoolers Exists, Gets Robbed [Updated]There were tears.
  14. columbine
    Police Investigating Hammer Attack at Columbine High SchoolA 14-year-old female student attacked a pair of students, one of whom she had had problems with before.
  15. crimes and misdemeanors
    Long Island SAT Cheats Busted in Fraud SchemeSeven busted in simple test-taking scheme.
  16. gays
    Jerry Brown Signs Gay History Law Into EffectCalifornia public schools will be required to teach gay history.
  17. school daze
    Bullying Makes You Popular, But Not the MOST PopularYou need a little niceness to get to the top 2 percent.
  18. kids these days
    ‘Grinding’ Rocks Small Vermont Town, Highlights Generation Gap“This is our way of dancing, even if they find it vulgar.”
  19. sad things
    Wisconsin Student Who Held Classmates Hostage DeadThe 15-year-old had shot himself.
  20. hostage situations
    Wisconsin High School Students Reportedly Being Held Hostage by Fellow Student [Updated: Hostages Released, Gunman Shoots Self]He’s got a gun.
  21. neighborhood news
    History Teacher Uses C-Word for Educational PurposesGeorge Washington High School teacher denies ever using the word “cunt,” but if he had, would it really be so bad?
  22. school daze
    ‘I’m Not a Gynecologist, But I’ll Take a Look Inside’Teachers should not be Facebook friends with students. This is why.
  23. field trips
    High School Teacher Banned From Teaching After Taking Students to Cuba to Meet ProstitutesIt was a learning experience!
  24. the kids are all right
    Lesbian Barred From Prom Wins $35KAn awesome victory for gay high school students
  25. cable news news
    Bet You Thought Rachel Maddow Always Defied Her Gender NormsWell, she didn’t. Check out this high-school yearbook photo.
  26. kids these days
    More High Schools Are Honoring Multiple ValedictoriansOverachievers can now share this accolade.
  27. school daze
    Hey, Everybody! It’s Time to Argue About Which New York City Prep School Is Best!Because they’re pretty much all on the ‘Forbes’ list of America’s Best Prep Schools.
  28. the sports section
    Legenday Queens High-School Basketball Coach Charged With Rape of Male AthleteBob Oliva denies the charges.
  29. school daze
    Parents Irate Over Public High School Notification DelaysMany city kids don’t know when they’ll find out where they’ll go to school next year.
  30. intel
    High-School Musical: When Your Drama Teachers Go to SchoolWe interview some awesome high-school drama teachers as they study with the greats here in New York.
  31. in other news
    Is Giving a Laxative-Laced Cake to a Teacher Funny or Not?Some Brooklyn high-school kids were arrested after serving a cake packed with poop juice to their teachers. It’s awful—but still kind of funny. Right?
  32. in other news
    Boasting Brainiac May Get Pounded Before Heading Off to HarvardLukasz Zbylut of Brooklyn’s New Utrecht High School got into ten top colleges and totally bragged about it to the ‘Post’. His classmates can react in one of two ways.
  33. intel
    Hey, Upper East Siders, Leave Your ‘Lashon Hara’ at Home, Mmmkay?Leave Gossip Girl at home, say area Jewish schools. They’re going back to the Bible to crack down on queen bees and rumormongers.
  34. in other news
    Bronx Science Students Walk Out, Risk College RecommendationsWhen we were in high school, the superintendent of schools tried to eliminate the school’s home-economics curriculum. Because everyone liked the home-ec teacher (we still fry eggs in the hole of a slice of toast), all the students marched down to Town Hall to protest. It was front-page news the next day in our town of 8,000. What was not front-page news today was the walkout that happened yesterday in the Bronx. The students of Bronx Science (the city’s competitive, second-ranked public school) walked out because they hate their principal, Valerie Reidy. Why do they hate their principal? Because (a) she seems to be what the kids these days call a “jerk” and (b) because she was firing a teacher that they liked. Oh, and because she went around telling people to call her “Dr. Reidy” even though she doesn’t have a Ph.D., which is classic. The Department of Education denies the claims about the fired teacher and the “doctor” line but seems to be evasive on the whole “jerk” thing. Now, from the outside, a protest of 100 students (at a school where there are more than 2,500) may seem sort of like small potatoes. But try to remember: Walking out of class in high school is kind of a very scary thing to do. And standing up against the powerful principal of your school is kind of like facing off against Lord Voldemort: Basically, you’re bound to lose unless there’s a last-minute technicality with someone’s wand. So to those students, a moment of respect. Just a word of advice: If you try that whole “walkout” thing in college, no one will care, and if you try it at work, you’ll get canned faster than you can say “Bull’s-eye.” Students Stage a Walkout at Bronx Science [NYS] Earlier: The Kids at Stuyvesant Aren’t Gonna Take It
  35. intel
    In Which We Defend the Honor of ‘Gossip Girl’Over at the Huffington Post today, children’s author Lesley M. M. Blume takes on Gossip Girl. Like, she really goes after it. “Gossip Girl represents nothing less than the soft death of youth culture and rebellion and self-determinism,” she writes. Sorry, what? Are you watching the same mind-shatteringly brilliant show that we are? Every week we pore over each episode and analyze it for our readers, who immediately tear apart our reasoning with their press-on nails and braced incisors. So we’re excited to finally have the chance to examine someone else’s reading of the show! (Not to mention examine what Blume herself looks like. She’s trying to tell us someone who looks like that doesn’t watch the show? She could practically star on it!) Let’s look at her argument, piece by piece. • “Gossip Girl supposedly exposes the seamy underbelly of Manhattan’s Upper East Side overclass.”—Again, is she watching the same show we’re watching? Gossip Girl isn’t meant to expose anything more than Star Trek was supposed to teach you what space is really like. It’s a high-camp fantasy. Does Lesley think skinny women writers with only one regular freelance gig really drink multiple fishbowl-size martinis a night at fancy clubs and never look broke or hung-over? Then she must have really loved how Sex and the City “exposed” real New York life.
  36. the morning line
    The Islamofascist Handbook • To aid in terrorism surveillance, the NYPD has released a jihadi version of The Preppy Handbook, detailing how average Muslim schlubs morph into Islamic terrorists. Grow a beard, renounce booze and broads, play paintball war games, dis the U.S. a lot — you know the drill. [NYDN]