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It’s Science

  1. lab rat
    What’s Really in a Phrostie? An InvestigationWe had a lab test the latest illegal booze craze to hit New York City. The results may surprise you!
  2. it’s science
    Many Looked Up Science in Dictionary This YearWhy?
  3. it’s science
    Rich Guy Dennis Tito Plans to Almost Send People to Mars in 2017They’re not going to land!
  4. it’s science
    There Could Be 40 Billion Habitable Earthlike Planets in Our Galaxy AloneThis has been another semi-regular reminder of your insignificance. 
  5. it’s science
    Robot Unbeatable in ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’Still no cure for cancer. 
  6. it’s science
    Gold Does Grow on TreesTell your dad to shove it. 
  7. it’s science
    What If the Big Bang Theory Was Wrong?Not the show, the theory of the origins of the universe.
  8. it’s science
    Voyager Has Still Not Left the Solar System, Is Pretty Far Out There, ThoughToday was a big milestone for mankind chucking stuff out into the universe. 
  9. it’s science
    Men With Big Testicles Are Worse DadsScience says so. 
  10. it’s science
    Ippo the Zonkey Is the Cronut of ItalyHe’s a hybrid between a zebra and a donkey. 
  11. it’s science
    Reminder: Even the Royal Baby Is Just a Speck on a Speck in a Vast UniverseNASA has released a photo of Earth from 898 million miles away. 
  12. it’s science
    Never Complain About the Rain AgainBecause at least it’s not raining glass. 
  13. space
    Here Comes the Vaguely Exciting SupermoonSaturday night.
  14. it’s science
    Video: Deaf Toddler Hears for the First TimeThanks, science!
  15. the supremes
    The Supreme Court’s Gene Patent Ruling Is Good for Breast Cancer TestingThe costs may go down.
  16. it’s science
    There Are Lizards and Squirrels on Mars, or Maybe They’re Just RocksDecide for yourself. 
  17. it’s science
    Chris Hadfield Ate a Very Healthy Back-From-Space MealVegetables, fruit, and some kind of healthy-looking sandwich. 
  18. it’s science
    ‘Space Oddity’ and 6 Other Chris Hadfield Space Videos Worth WatchingThe Canadian astronaut just became a huge Internet star. 
  19. it’s science
    One of NASA’s Rovers Drew a Big Penis on MarsHere’s the photo. 
  20. it’s science
    Did an Iranian Scientist Really Invent a Time Machine?Possibly
  21. it’s science
    NASA Has a Plan to Kidnap an AsteroidCool.
  22. it’s science
    NASA: Voyager 1 Has Not Left the Solar System So Chill OutKeep your pants on.
  23. it’s science
    Scientists Find Lost Continent (or, at the Very Least, Some Weird Sand)Cool, sure.
  24. it’s science
    It’s Almost Impossible to Startle a RussianThis is one thing we learned today.
  25. it’s science
    Asteroid Will Fly Very Close to Earth, Kind OfNASA does.
  26. photo op
    Blue Marble Turns 40 TodayThe iconic image of Earth was taken from Apollo 17 on December 7, 1972.
  27. it’s science
    Marco Rubio Believes in Science Now“I mean, it’s established pretty definitively, it’s at least 4.5 billion years old.”
  28. apocalypse later
    World Not Ending in 2012, Government Assures Nation’s Suicidal 11-Year-OldsIt might end in 2013.
  29. it’s science
    Obama, Rubio Similar on Age of Earth Question“Whether it happened exactly as we might understand it reading the text of the Bible: That, I don’t presume to know.”
  30. it’s science
    Five Other Embarrassing Answers to the ‘Age of the Earth’ QuestionFrom Rand Paul to Rick Perry, and a bunch of other people also!
  31. early and awful
    Marco Rubio’s Deceptively Pro-Science Answer on the Age of the Earth“I’m not a scientist, man.”
  32. it’s science
    Charles Darwin Gets 4,000 Votes in Georgia Congressional RaceA protest against one congressman’s stand against evolution.
  33. it’s science
    Is the Five-Second Rule Really Malarkey? Science says yes. 
  34. it’s science
    MSNBC Manages to Overhype Record-Breaking 24-Mile Space JumpThey say Felix Baumgartner broke the speed of light.
  35. it’s science
    Jurassic Park Isn’t Happening, EverBooo, science!
  36. it’s science
    Scientists Make Major Breakthrough on Least Important Project EverA clock that keeps time after the universe ends.
  37. it’s science
    Mars Curiosity Rover Discovers Evidence of ‘Vigorous’ Ancient StreamRound rocks.
  38. photo op
    Meanwhile, on MarsHere is the first color photo from Curiosity.
  39. it’s science
    The Five Best NASA Scientists Ever (From Last Night)The internet has discovered some wonderful scientists.
  40. it’s science
    One NASA Employee’s Lonely Mars Rover Pre-CelebrationHe knew Curiosity had landed about three seconds before anyone else.
  41. it’s science
    Giant Sinkhole Opens Up in Brooklyn, Nearly Eats Car [Updated]Nom nom nom.
  42. it’s science
    Twitter Can Predict When You’ll Get the FluEight days before you get it.
  43. talking about the weather
    One in 1.6 Million Chance That Yearlong Rise in Temperatures Is RandomSo you’re telling me there’s a chance. 
  44. it’s science
    Groundbreaking New Form of Life Maybe Doesn’t Exist After AllNew studies contradict existence of arsenic-loving bacteria. 
  45. it’s science
    Hipsters Are Really Excited About the Higgs BosonJust kidding, they’ve never heard of it.
  46. it’s science
    Long Island’s Brookhaven National Laboratory Records Hottest Temperature Ever7.2 trillion degrees.
  47. it’s science
    Most Work E-mails Not Considered ImportantThanks, science.
  48. it’s science
    Watch Venus’s Passage Across the Sun Accompanied by Very Dramatic MusicThe very rare celestial event happened last night.
  49. it’s science
    Science Reporter Very Catty Toward New ElementsWe think elements are beautiful in all sizes.
  50. it’s science
    Study Finds That Old People Smell … AmazingWell played, science.
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