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  1. joetorious
    Joe Biden Looked Extra Cool While Buying Donuts TodayIt’s all about accessories. 
  2. joetorious
    Joe Biden Says Paul Ryan’s ‘Bullets Are Aimed at You’And inquires about soldiers serving in “Iraq or Iran.”
  3. joetorious
    Romney Campaign Releases Inevitable Laughing Biden AdWhat took them so long?
  4. joetorious
    Beau Biden Defends His Grinning DadAw. 
  5. joetorious
    Biden’s Constant Debate Laughter Was Either Delightful or Totally DisrespectfulDepends on whether you found Ryan’s answers hilarious.
  6. joetorious
    Biden’s Air Force Two Aborts Two Landings on Tuesday“Good luck getting home.”
  7. joetorious
    Joe Biden Helpfully Offers Up New Gaffe on Eve of DebateNote to self: Next time don’t suggest Obama ruined the economy.
  8. joetorious
    The Most Watched Convention Speaker Was … Joe Biden?Proof that convention viewers are mainly interested in gaffes.
  9. joetorious
    Joe Biden Doesn’t Know Where He Is, AgainWayne State is not Wright State.
  10. photo op
    Barack Obama and Joe Biden Truly Embraced the Public TodayAn extra fun campaign trail photo post. 
  11. u-gone
    U-Haul Truck With Equipment for Biden Visit Stolen in DetroitWelcome to the Motor City.
  12. joetorious
    Biden Plans to Crash the Republican National ConventionIt’s his lifelong dream.
  13. joetorious
    Rudy Giuliani Doesn’t Think Joe Biden Is ‘Nuts’Just a little “unbalanced.”
  14. joetorious
    Obama Defends Biden’s ‘Chains’ Remark to Entertainment OutletsPeople and Entertainment Weekly get the scoop.
  15. Biden Explains ‘Chains’ Remark Was a MetaphorHe actually got the term from the GOP.
  16. joetorious
    What the Hell Did Joe Biden’s ‘Chain’ Remark Mean?Our vice-president made one doozy of a speech today.
  17. joetorious
    Joe Biden Was Also Booed at the NAACP TodayFor saying he needed to wrap up his speech.
  18. joetorious
    Joe Biden: ‘I Understood How Someone Could Consciously Decide to Commit Suicide’He spoke about the deaths of his first wife and daughter.
  19. joetorious
    Joe Biden Really, Really Wants You to Know He’s Irish CatholicAt a rabbinical gathering, at Cinco de Mayo.
  20. joetorious
    Joe Biden Is ‘Absolutely Comfortable’ With Gay MarriageAlso, he likes Will and Grace
  21. terrorists of the sky
    Bird Tries and Fails to Take Down Air Force TwoJoe Biden’s plane made an emergency landing after being struck by a bird. 
  22. joetorious
    Five More Reasons Why Joe Biden Might Have Trouble on TwitterBiden on Twitter, round two.
  23. joetorious
    Joe Biden Manages to Overhype Bin Laden Death“You can go back 500 years. You cannot find a more audacious plan.”
  24. joetorious
    Osama Bin Laden Could Not Have Been Less Impressed With Joe BidenThis is hilarious.
  25. joetorious
    Obama Campaign Experimenting with Letting Joe Be JoeThere’s a new sheriff in town.
  26. joetorious
    Turn the ‘Days Without a Biden Gaffe’ Sign Back to ZeroHe gets confused sometimes. 
  27. joetorious
    Joe Biden Will Host His Second Fund-raiser at The Four Seasons on FridayThe second in two months.
  28. uh-oh
    Does Obama Have Another Solyndra on His Hands? [Updated]New questions about its loans to electric-car companies.
  29. totus
    Who Took Barack Obama’s TelePrompTer Hostage?Crime of the century!
  30. joetorious
    Joe Biden’s Brother Received a Suspicious PackageWhy did it take an anthrax scare to clue us in to his existence?
  31. video
    Joe Biden Doesn’t Believe in Meeting CuteWife Jill told David Letterman about the couple’s early days.
  32. video
    Joe Biden Really, Really Misses the Open RoadNow he wants a motorcycle.
  33. joetorious
    Joe Biden Really Just Has a Couple Minor Quibbles With the Onion’s Portrayal of HimHe doesn’t just wash cars, he simonizes them. Whatever that means.
  34. ragin’ it
    James Hoffa Is Not a Fan of the Tea PartyPlus, there’s a Biden on the loose!
  35. joetorious
    Biden on China Trip: ‘I Didn’t Come to Explain a Damn Thing’The vice-president claims to have taken a brief break from making clarifying statements.
  36. joetorious
    The Adventures of Joe Biden in MongoliaCamels, archery, and a woman doing something crazy.
  37. joetorious
    Chinese Have Little Patience for Joe Biden’s ChattinessThere were fisticuffs.
  38. gaffes
    GOP Piles on Biden for Using the T-wordRand Paul: “Prefer to be thought of as a freedom fighter.”
  39. joetorious
    Joe Biden Is Probably the Kind of Landlord Who’s Slow to Cash the Rent CheckMaybe that’s why the federal government rents from him.
  40. joetorious
    Ten Reasons Why It’s a Bad Idea to Put Joe Biden on TwitterA walk down memory lane, in 140 characters or fewer!
  41. joetorious
    Joe Biden Fund-raises Out of Pure Love for the GameHe loves to schmooze, but he’s not a huge draw on the donation circuit.
  42. joetorious
    Joe Biden Threatens to Run for President AgainIn 2016, when he’s nearly 74 years old.
  43. osama bin killed
    Bin Laden’s Diaries Say Joe Biden Wasn’t Worth The Assassination Attempt“You could describe him as a micro-manager.”
  44. joetorious
    If You’re Having a Brain Aneurysm, It’s Good to Know Joe BidenBiden will call the hospital and make sure you get the good doctor.
  45. joetorious
    Joe Biden Lands in Afghanistan for Surprise VisitThe White House is projecting the message: Attention is being paid to this battlefront.
  46. joetorious
    Joe Biden Thought of a Joke and He Will Not Rest Until Everyone Has Heard ItOh, God.
  47. joetorious
    ‘Let Me Get This Straight: You Want to Interview the Vice President About Stories About Him in The Onion?’Joe Biden’s spokesman is not amused by ‘The Onion’ or the ‘Times.’
  48. joetorious
    Joe Biden: ‘If I Hear One More Republican Tell Me About Balancing the Budget, I Am Going to Strangle Them’“To the press: that’s a figure of speech.”
  49. joetorious
    Joe Biden ‘Guarantees’ That the Democrats Will Retain House MajorityOh, okay.
  50. joetorious
    Joe Biden Hands Out Hot Dogs, Thanks Bush for ‘Honoring Troops’ on Colbert“We disagreed on policy … you deserve a lot of credit.”
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