Displaying all articles tagged:

John Mccain

  1. department of inevitable things
    Meghan McCain Gets a Six-Figure Book DealPrematurely defending the haters who will say this is not because she is a great writer.
  2. early and often
    McCain: Most People Voted for Me Because of Sarah PalinDon’t sell yourself short, John! A lot of people chose NOT to vote for you because of Sarah Palin, too!
  3. mavericks
    The McCain Stephanopoulos Twitterview: What We LearnedLessons from the biggest Twitterview of all time.
  4. mavericks
    John McCain Now on Cutting Edge of Unnecessary Technological InnovationsHe and George Stephanopolous will participate in their first-ever “Twitterview.”
  5. early and often
    Senate Republicans Reach Out of Grave to Trip Up Democrat Spending BillLast night GOP senators stopped a $410 billion omnibus spending bill, forcing Dems to forge a stopgap measure to prevent the federal government from shutting down.
  6. early and often
    Who Cares About Earmarks?A lot of people! But should they?
  7. mavericks
    John McCain Is Personally Using TwitterPigs fly, hell freezes.
  8. ink-stained wretches
    The Times’ Trouble With McCain and Iseman Ends in Legal FustercluckNobody had to pay any money or retract any stories, but there are a lot of STATEMENTS to be made.
  9. early and often
    McCain Quite Glad Not to Have to Swallow His Pride AnymoreHe won’t be going on ‘The View’ ever again, that’s for sure.
  10. palin watch
    Sarah Palin Is the GOP’s New Role ModelBecause she was such a help to John McCain.
  11. gossipmonger
    Ellen Barkin to Make HBO Magic from Real-Life PainMaybe she’s gonna play a rich cougar divorceée. Hmmm. Plus, Patrick McMullan’s gonna cameo on ‘Gossip Girl’ … so meta! In the gossip roundup.
  12. early and often
    Times Has to Awkwardly Acknowledge What It Was Trying to Say in McCain-Iseman StoryThis is just like that time in junior high when you got in trouble for passing along some gossip someone ELSE said, which wasn’t even your fault.
  13. early and often
    Palin: Not Talking to Media ‘Biggest Mistake’ of CampaignThat’s right. Not talking.
  14. election hangover
    Sarah Palin to Save the South for RepublicansShe’s going to fight for Republican incumbent Saxby Chambliss in the Georgia Senate runoff.
  15. early and often
    Obama Brings Bill Clinton and John McCain Into the FoldObama seems to be taking this whole Lincoln thing to heart.
  16. neighborhood watch
    South W’burg Hasidim Gave More Than Four Times As Many Votes to McCain As to ObamaEven though Jews and Brooklynites at large voted for Obama, mostly.
  17. Would Clinton Really Have Beaten McCain by a Wider Margin Than Obama?That’s what CBS News and Drudge would have you believe.
  18. Losing Candidate Ready to Let the Funny OutJohn McCain trots out an oldie-but-goodie on the ‘Tonight Show.’
  19. election hangover
    Attacks Heighten on Sarah Palin From Inside McCain CampaignToday we learn even more about the apparent strife between the presidential candidate and his running mate.
  20. election hangover
    ‘Newsweek’: Sarah Palin ‘Sailed Into the Room Wearing Nothing But a Towel’From today’s teases of the ‘Newsweek’ book ‘How He Did It,’ we can tell we’re going to learn some great stuff in the next few weeks.
  21. early and often
    The Breakdown: Who Elected Obama, and Did They Give Him a Mandate?Which demographic groups Obama won over, how the polls fared, and what Obama’s mandate looks like.
  22. early and often
    Election Night Live BlogDon’t worry — we’ll get through this. Together.
  23. early and often
    What Everyone Else Says to Watch Out for in Tonight’s PollingOur Super-Duper, Ultra-Simple Election-Watching Guide tells you just about everything you need to know going into the grand spectacle tonight, but this race has so transfixed Americans that we thought you might want to see what the other bloggers will be looking out for.
  24. the sports section
    The Last Word in This Election Goes to Chris BermanIn what we hope does not become a custom in American politics, the last big, nationally televised interviews of both candidates fell to the ESPN anchor.
  25. early and often
    Happy Election Day! America Has Gone BonkersSnapshots of what’s going on around the country on this momentous day.
  26. early and often
    The Greatest Election Ever: A RetrospectiveWe recommend you explore the following slideshow while playing Barbra Streisand’s “The Way We Were” for an optimal viewing experience.
  27. early and often
    The Polls: Where We’re at Right NowNot that this will predict tomorrow’s results with any sort of accuracy, but here’s how people are saying they’ll vote, according to some dudes who interrupt them at home with unwanted phone calls.
  28. party chat
    Israeli Filmmakers on the US PresidencyDirectors and actors at last week’s Israel Film Festival had a lot to say about our presidential election, including the observation that Barack Obama isn’t really black because he went to Harvard.
  29. early and often
    Heilemann: Magic, Confidence, and Relief on the Homestretch With ObamaWhile Springsteen plays for Obama, McCain falls back on ‘Pepe el Plomero.’
  30. early and often
    John and Cindy McCain Backstage at ‘SNL’John notes that appearances on the show ‘humanize you,’ and Cindy acknowledges that all she ever does is just stand there.
  31. early and often
    Liberals Try Not to Think About the Worst-Case ScenarioWith so much on the line, many liberals are harboring anxiety that the whole thing could slip away.
  32. early and often
    The Candidate’s Second-to-Last WordsWhat Barack Obama and John McCain (and their campaigns) are saying as they build up to their final pitches.
  33. gossipmonger
    The Last Important Thing Before the Election Was Beth Ostrosky Finishing the MarathonAnd also how sweet it was that Howard made her bagels with peanut butter that morning. And Arnold Diaz put Martha Stewart in the Hall of Shame. In the gossip roundup.
  34. Sarah Palin’s Hilarious WeekendYou weren’t the only one with a headache that lasted all weekend.
  35. early and often
    Rashid Khalidi: Will Anyone Stand for McCain’s Final Smear?Pundits aren’t buying McCain’s latest attempt to add Rashid Khalidi to Obama’s cast of questionable characters.
  36. early and awesome
    McCain Vows to Take Joe the Plumber to WashingtonMcCain has a new friend and he is not letting him out of his sight.
  37. early and often
    Fox Business Network Host Neil Cavuto Blasts McCain: ‘On Economic Matters You Have No Convictions’Citiing McCain’s erratic spending and tax plans, the Fox Business Network host eviscerates the candidate of News Corp.
  38. early and often
    Is McCain Trying to Make Rashid Khalidi Into an October Surprise?Does this latest huff over Obama’s relationship with Columbia professor Rashid Khalidi resonate with you?
  39. instant politics
    Joe Hagan Grills David Brooks About Palin, Voting for Obama, and Exile From ConservativismNew York ‘Times’ columnist David Brooks and ‘New York’ writer Joe Hagan discuss pulling the lever for Obama, whether Brooks is worried for about brand, and the attempt to ‘excommunicate’ the columnist from the conservative movement.
  40. early and often
    Look Out! Possible Obama LandslidePundits and pollsters keep wondering if the race is tightening. What’s actually happening is that the prospects for a Democratic landslide are growing.
  41. early and often
    Obama’s Silent Ad vs. McCain’s Charitable Ad: Which Speaks Louder?McCain tries to solidify his message in the moments before Obama’s 30-minute television appeal. But is he scrambled by Obama’s latest short spot?
  42. early and often
    Obama to Ruthlessly Dominate the Airwaves Tonight With Touching, Patriotic InfomercialHow effective will the prime-time ad actually be, and what can we expect?
  43. instant politics
    Matt Bai and Nate Silver Explain Why the Rays Have Better Odds Than McCain’New York Times Magazine’ writer Matt Bai and FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver discuss the viability of McCain’s Pennsylvania-based strategy, the voters assuming we’re still stuck in the 2000/2004 universe, and Silver’s defense of his model should the election turn to McCain.
  44. this should surprise no one
    Slate in the Tank for ObamaSlate’s staff and contributors vote, surprise no one.
  45. Politico.com Takes On Perceived Media BiasAs it happens, McCain’s campaign is going quite poorly and Obama’s is going well. Imposing artificial balance on this reality would be a bias of its own.”
  46. early and often
    John the Desperate Candidate Warns of Barack the RedistributorOf course, there are some logical flaws to the socialist-redistributor argument as it applies to Obama.
  47. instant politics
    Nate Silver and Jonathan Chait on Early Voting and the Latest Sarah Palin RumorFiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver and ‘The New Republic’ columnist Jonathan Chait discuss the latest Sarah Palin 2012 rumor, how much the African-American vote will matter, and why you should never underestimate the Republican base.
  48. early and often
    McCain Warns of Unchecked Liberal Power — But What Does Everyone Else Think?How much will Democrats really be able to throw their weight around if they control both houses of Congress and the presidency, and how effective is this argument for McCain?
  49. gossipmonger
    Scandalous Items Found in Mary-Louise Parker’s TrashUh, not really. Also, Lindsay loves Samantha but is still way into guys. In Monday’s gossip roundup.
  50. early and often
    McCain Campaign Soaked by Stories of Palin StrifeJust as we suspected, the weekend was spent chronicling the increasing tension between the Republican candidates.
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