John Mccain - Intelligencer
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John Mccain

  1. early and often
    The Revenge of Arizona’s McCain RepublicansThey’ve become one of the most critical voting blocs in the country.
  2. obits
    Democratic vice presidential candidate Joseph Lieb
    Joe Lieberman and the Center That Did Not HoldThe longtime senator and Democratic vice-presidential candidate, who has died at 82, crossed party boundaries and left an uneven legacy.
  3. that happened
    The Time Trump Was So Petty He Made the Navy Hide the USS John S. McCainBack in 2019, a Navy ship got caught up in Trump’s absurd feud with the late senator, which continues to this day.
  4. early and often
    Steve Schmidt Announces Breakup With Meghan McCainSo what if the former John McCain strategist and the late senator’s daughter reportedly haven’t spoken in 14 years?
  5. early and often
    Steve Schmidt Goes to War With the McCain FamilyAfter attacking Meghan McCain for being a spoiled brat, he writes that her father lied to the voting public about an affair.
  6. politics
    Ted Cruz (Mistakenly) Touts His 2024 Presidential OddsThe senator noted that “historically the runner-up is almost always the next nominee.” It’s a common but untrue hypothesis.
  7. politics
    Red Flags From Lindsey Graham’s Fickle FriendshipsThe senator has a history of cozying up to D.C.’s “alpha dogs” — and then turning on them. Here’s what his next potential pal should know.
  8. 9/11: 20 years later
    What 9/11 Did to the Democratic PartyTo this day, Democrats struggle with the fear of looking weak.
  9. 2022 midterms
    Why 2022 Won’t Be Another 1994 Republican Tidal WaveLindsey Graham’s prediction of an impending red wave ignores several key factors behind the GOP’s historic gains in Bill Clinton’s first midterm.
  10. poll position
    50 Days Out, Biden Doing Better in Polls Than Clinton, Obama, or KerryThe only candidate to overcome as big a disadvantage as Trump faces now is Obama in 2008, and all hell broke loose that fall.
  11. vision 2020
    Does Labor Day Mark the Beginning of the Real Presidential Race?Legend aside, most presidential races are largely decided before Labor Day, with partisan polarization and early voting contributing to that reality.
  12. democratic national convention
    Jill Biden Promises Joe Can End Presidential Empathy DeficitIn her DNC speech, Jill Biden portrayed her husband as a man blessed with the qualities Trump most conspicuously lacks.
  13. vision 2020
    A Short History of the Veep RevealThere may be less drama this year, but Biden’s announcement will be the biggest news before his own acceptance speech.
  14. vision 2020
    Could Dumping Pence Be a Last-Minute Game Changer for Trump?Incapable of changing his ways to salvage reelection, Trump might decide blaming the coronavirus mess on Pence and dropping him is the only option.
  15. vision 2020
    Biden Shouldn’t Obsess Over Checking Boxes for His Veep PickBiden should look at the whole person and her character and qualifications for the job — unlike what John McCain did when he picked Sarah Palin.
  16. coronavirus
    Has the Time Finally Come for a Full-Scale National Service Program?It’s possible the pandemic could make it feasible to offer unemployed young people well-paid service in desperately needed tasks.
  17. vision 2020
    The State of the Presidential Race, Six Months Before Election DayRecent presidential elections show the eventual winner ahead at this point, except for Trump himself in 2016.
  18. vision 2020
    New Hampshire Can Be UpsettingThe Granite State has a history of nasty surprises for expected presidential primary winners.
  19. vision 2020
    Buttigieg’s Electability Argument: Only Young Outsiders Win for DemocratsMayor Pete is comparing himself to past winners Carter, Clinton, and Obama, which is clever but not exactly a slam-dunk argument.
  20. past is prologue
    Four Years Ago Today, the Trump Circus Came to Town — and Never LeftDonald Trump’s first Republican-debate appearance set the low standard he has maintained ever since.
  21. vision 2020
    A Brief History of Old Guys Who Became President of the United StatesIn a shift from the early days of the presidency, septuagenarians Trump, Sanders, and Biden aren’t all that old compared to their peers.
  22. politics
    Defense Department Asks White House to Keep Military Out of Political PosturingFollowing the U.S.S. John McCain debacle, acting Defense Secretary Shanahan asked the White House to leave the military out of its grandstanding.
  23. pettiness
    White House Wanted U.S.S. John S. McCain Hidden on Trump’s Trip to Japan: ReportThe Navy reportedly received a request that the 505-foot destroyer sharing the name of Trump’s GOP adversary stay ‘out of sight’ on his Japan visit.
  24. vision 2020
    Get Ready for a Biden Swoon, Sooner or LaterCandidates who poll as well as Biden is right now often go on to win — but rarely without encountering serious bumps in the road.
  25. vision 2020
    Report: John McCain’s Family Will Back Biden for PresidentAfter the Washington Examiner’s report, Cindy McCain tweeted that she has “no intention of getting involved in presidential politics.”
  26. pettiness
    A Brief History of Trump’s Feud With John McCainFrom life until after death.
  27. politics
    Trump Is Somehow Still Mad About McCain’s Funeral“I didn’t get, ‘Thank you,’ but that’s okay.”
  28. 2020 presidential election
    Will Age Be an Issue in the 2020 Presidential Race?With Sanders running and Biden in the wings, Democrats need to take a serious look at the actuarial tables.
  29. 2020 presidential election
    Looks Like the 2020 Democratic Presidential Field Could Be the Largest EverIn the past, very large presidential fields have produced unusual results, and more often than not, defeat.
  30. senate
    McSally Appointment Makes Arizona Sixth State With Two Women As SenatorsMcSally will have to run again in 2020, and if she wins and wants a full term, yet again in 2022. Four Western states now have two women as senators.
  31. 2020 elections
    If Beto and Biden Got Together, Would the Age Gap Be a Problem?30 years separate the former veep and the Texas phenom. That might not be a good thing for either of them.
  32. 2020 elections
    A Biden-Romney Fantasy Ticket So Ain’t HappeningA Washington outsider revives the hoary fantasy of a centrist third party, but it has never made any sense.
  33. george h.w. bush
    The Bush Family’s Struggle to Keep Up With the Conservative MovementGeorge H.W. Bush and his sons George W. and Jeb tried to stay in step with the ever-rightward drift of the conservative movement. They failed.
  34. politics
    Martha McSally Lost Her Bid for Senate, But She Could Get There AnywayJohn Kyl may soon step down from the Senate seat he was appointed to in September, and Mitch McConnell wants Martha McSally to replace him.
  35. the kavanaugh hearings
    Fear of a 2020 Primary May Have Made Lindsey Graham Go Feral Over KavanaughPerhaps private sycophancy towards Trump wasn’t protecting Graham’s flanks back home, so he went with public rage towards Trump’s enemies.
  36. politics
    What Happened to Lindsey Graham?Once defined by his loathing for Trump, he’s now all-in for the president. Why?
  37. donald trump
    Lindsay Graham’s Latest Mission: Encouraging Trump’s Blood LustOnce part of the jolly, bipartisan Three Amigos, Graham is now very focused on feeding Trump’s most hawkish impulses.
  38. the national circus
    Frank Rich: The Anonymous White House Official Is a Collaborator, Not a ResisterThe Times op-ed reads like a defense document offered in case a Nuremberg-like legal reckoning ever comes about.
  39. politics
    Former Senator Jon Kyl Will Replace McCain in the SenateKyl is only a short-term replacement, as the 76-year-old has no interest in serving past 2020.
  40. politics
    Speeches and Scenes From John McCain’s Memorial in Washington D.C.Speakers, including former presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush, celebrated McCain’s life on Saturday.
  41. john mccain
    John McCain’s Service in Vietnam Was a TragedyOur government put the young McCain in harm’s way — and subjected him to unspeakable suffering — in service of an indefensible cause.
  42. goodbyes
    Scenes From John McCain’s Memorial: Biden Remembers Senator as ‘a Brother’As services for McCain moved from Arizona to Washington, Trump — who isn’t invited — held a raucous rally in Indiana, as planned.
  43. john mccain
    Trump Aides Decided to Go Ahead With Rally Despite McCain MemorialsThe White House reportedly considered canceling Trump’s rally in Indiana on Thursday night, but what’s one more controversy?
  44. john mccain
    Report: Sarah Palin Wasn’t Invited to John McCain’s FuneralMcCain’s former running mate, like President Trump, will have to watch on TV.
  45. john mccain
    GOPers Balk at Honoring John McCain instead of Segregationist DemocratIt’s not Richard B. Russell’s fellow Democrats but Republicans who are hesitant about renaming a Senate building to honor McCain.
  46. the national interest
    John McCain Tried to Save the Republican Party From Itself, and Was CrushedTwo decades ago, McCain made the only serious attempt to arrest the party’s long rightward lurch. His defeat still lingers.
  47. john mccain
    That Time McCain Almost Switched Parties to Become the Democratic VP CandidateMcCain thought about breaking with his party twice, and defying its orthodoxies a third time, but was never that maverick-y.
  48. the national interest
    Republican Senator: McCain ‘Partially to Blame’ for Trump Flag DisputeIt takes two to tangle, even if only one of the parties is currently alive.
  49. white house flag
    White House Lowers Flag Back to Half-staff for McCain After Day of OutrageAfter enduring a barrage of criticism, President Trump did the absolute minimum to commemorate a man he clearly despised.
  50. u.s. senate
    How John McCain’s Death Will Reshape the SenateMitch McConnell’s job is about to get easier.
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