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Safety First

  1. safety first
    Speed Cameras Are Making the City Lots of MoneyAnd possibly cutting down on speeding.
  2. safety first
    Brooklyn Shoppers Not Ready for in-Store Knife SharpeningSporks all around.
  3. safety first
    Citi Bike Not Nearly As Deadly As FearedNobody has been killed in the program’s first five months.
  4. safety first
    NYPD Gave More Sidewalk-Cycling Tickets Than Speeding Tickets Last YearBut speeding is deadlier.
  5. safety first
    Citi Bike’s First Injury Crash Landed a Guy in the HospitalThe Post is already gloating.
  6. safety first
    Hell on Wheels: Can Electric Bikes Ever Go Legal?New York’s electric bikers on the wrong side of the law.
  7. safety first
    Fewer New Yorkers Are Dying in Fires Than EverCombined with a record-low homicide rate, 2012 was a good year for safety.
  8. safety first
    Bike Delivery Guys Are Less Than Thrilled About Their New Safety ClassMaybe the rest of the city could use some brushing up.
  9. sleep well
    Only Two U.S. Nuclear Power Plants Meet Federal Fire Regulations“Our nuclear plants are like snowflakes.”
  10. things to avoid
    How to Not Get Hit by a Car While Walking the Streets of New YorkWith some surprising conclusions.