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  1. Trump Threatens Toyota Over Mexico Plant, Sends Stock Price and Peso TumblingThe president-elect says build in the U.S. or face a “big border tax.”
  2. jihad ride
    U.S. Government Wants to Know: Why Does ISIS Only Drive Toyotas? When Toyota adopted the tagline “Let’s go places,” presumably they didn’t mean the 11th century.
  3. media
    Droga5 and the Art of the SellIt wants to be the consummate modern advertising agency. Don Draper would approve.
  4. media
    Droga5 and the Art of the Sell, A Half-Century After Mad MenIt wants to be the consummate modern advertising agency. Don Draper would approve.
  5. car talk
    Unintended Acceleration Costs Toyota $1 BillionAnd they’re still not sure what caused it.
  6. recalls
    Toyota Recalls 681,500 Vehicles in the U.S. Replacement parts are on the way.
  7. transportation
    Can Toyota Interest You in a ‘Spongy’ Brake Pedal?Toyota tries to make this the year of the recall.
  8. pre-owned vehicles
    Where Are All the Honda Civics?Kabul, the world capital of used Toyota Corollas.
  9. early and awkward
    Toyota Is More Popular Than Either PartyYeesh.
  10. early and often
    Taking It Easy on ToyotaWho was really on the stand at yesterday’s hearing?
  11. toyota
    Toyota President Attempts To Instill Confidence on KingHe says they are “working” to address problems.
  12. flat tire
    Toyota Official: Recall May Not ‘Totally’ Do the TrickElectronics system could be the problem, he says.
  13. car talk
    Toyota Says It Has Found a Way to Make Its Cars Not Speed You to a Terrifying DeathThe company will start fixing the accelerator pedals of millions of recalled cars this week.