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Trump Cards

  1. trump cards
    Trump Suggests Rubio Might Be Ineligible for Presidency, TooWho among us is really a “natural born citizen”? (Hint: Marco Rubio.)
  2. trump cards
    GOP Candidates Reject Trump Attack, Tell Pope They’ll Decide Who’s ChristianQuestioning another man’s faith is “disgraceful” — unless he’s running against you.
  3. early and often
    Donald Trump Makes Racist Point With Wildly Incorrect TweetWhich may originate with an admirer of Hitler.
  4. trump cards
    Donald Trump Will Solve Refugee Crisis by Building a ‘Safe Zone’ in SyriaIt’s like a Mexican border wall, but more so.
  5. trump cards
    The Best of Trump’s 95-Minute Rant CompilationHis speech featured the hits “How Stupid Are Iowans?” and a performance of the Ben Carson knife incident.
  6. early and often
    Donald Trump Wooed Key GOP Donors Sheldon Adelson, Paul Singer, and the KochsWhen they all spurned him, he bad-mouthed his rivals for seeking their support.
  7. trump cards
    Trump Tries to Humiliate Rubio With Water-Bottle Prank, FailsBut he did remind the world that Trump Ice is real.
  8. trump cards
    Donald Trump Is the Boy Who Cried ‘I’m Boycotting Fox News’He’ll appear on The O’Reilly Factor this week.
  9. early and often
    Donald Trump Outlines Radical Policies on 60 MinutesAs usual, he offered few details.
  10. trump cards
    Journalists Who Spot Empty Seats Incur the Wrath of TrumpSupposedly the chairs were empty because his adoring fans had crowded around him.
  11. trump cards
    Donald Trump Declares War on Fox News, Half the 2016 FieldFearing that he’s getting slightly less attention, the front-runner lobbed attacks at pretty much everyone.
  12. Trump Just Nods Along As Supporter Calls Obama a Foreign Muslim [Updated]“We know our current president is one. You know he’s not even an American.”
  13. trump cards
    Meet America’s Wackiest Trump SupportersFrom the anarchist who wants to see him destroy the U.S. to the guys who are just in it for the beer.
  14. trump cards
    RNC Takes on Trump, Asks Candidates to Sign Loyalty OathIt’s a bold effort to shut down the biggest threat to a Republican 2016 victory.
  15. trump cards
    Sarah Palin Slams Press for Asking Donald Trump ‘Gotcha’ Bible QuestionsThe notoriously private candidate doesn’t talk about his favorite book with strangers.
  16. trump cards
    Jeb Bush Wins Eric Cantor Endorsement; Donald Trump Remains Unimpressed“Who wants the endorsement of a guy who lost?”
  17. trump cards
    ‘Go Back to Univision’: Trump Boots Journalist Jorge Ramos From Press ConferenceThen lets him back in to debate immigration policy.
  18. trump cards
    Trump Declares War on ‘Anchor Babies’; GOP Candidates Join InEven Jeb Bush is trying out more aggressive immigration rhetoric.
  19. trump cards
    The Lines You Didn’t Hear in the First GOP DebateA peek into a far more boring version of the Donald Trump–Fox News showdown.
  20. trump cards
    Donald Trump Says Spokesman Was ‘Speaking for Himself’ on Marital RapeThe attorney’s frequent media appearances may have violated campaign-finance laws.
  21. trump cards
    Spox on Trump Allegation: Marital Rape Is LegalTrump’s attorney told a journalist he would “ruin” him if he reported on the old allegation.
  22. trump cards
    Donald Trump Gives Out Lindsey Graham’s NumberIf you want a president willing to doxx his political rivals, Trump’s your man.
  23. trump cards
    Trump to GOP Candidates: I Don’t ‘Need to Be Lectured’ by a Bunch of FailuresTrump hit back in a USA Today op-ed after nearly all of his Republican colleagues turned on him.
  24. How the GOP Can Save Itself From Donald TrumpThey’ve considered banning him, highlighting their disagreements, and just asking him to stop.
  25. how do you like me now
    Jamie Dimon Ups the AnteFrom now on, shareholders will decide the JPMorgan CEO’s pay.