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  1. politics
    Woodward and Bernstein Didn’t Act AloneIf not for their competitors, Nixon would probably have survived Watergate.
  2. republican party
    Can Republicans Bounce Back Like They Did After Nixon?The last GOP president to be impeached and disgraced shattered his party.
  3. impeachment
    Are We Already Near the Impeachment Endgame?It’s possible Trump’s obstruction will mean House Democrats have to cut to the chase instead of holding thorough impeachment hearings.
  4. impeachment
    Will Voters Warm to Impeaching Trump, and Does It Matter?Polling from the Nixon and Clinton scandals shows voters are slow to support impeachment, and the president’s popularity matters more electorally.
  5. impeachment
    Will Pushing for Impeachment Make It More Popular?There’s some evidence that impeachment proceedings against Nixon damaged his popularity, but it’s unclear if the same would happen to Trump today.
  6. mueller time
    Five Reasons Why Republicans Won’t Abandon Trump Like They Ditched NixonNixon had weaker intraparty support than Trump, who will benefit from likely polarization over the Mueller report.
  7. mueller time
    Justice Department: ‘No Harm, No Foul’ on Trump’s Obstruction of JusticeMueller punted to Barr and Rosenstein, who seem to be arguing that if Trump didn’t collude, he would have been crazy to obstruct.
  8. impeachment
    Republican Solidarity Will Protect Trump From ImpeachmentHistory shows that impeachment efforts tend to tighten the bonds between president and party. With Trump’s party controlling the Senate, that’s big.
  9. the national circus
    Frank Rich: The Endgame for Trump Comes Into ViewThe tumult of this week hasn’t finished off his presidency yet, but the final stages look closer by the day.
  10. The Powerful Myth of the Would-Be President RFK, 50 Years LaterRobert F. Kennedy promised a kind of mind-bending coalition of minorities and white working-class voters that progressives still crave.
  11. Flynn Kidnapping Plot Is Like Teapot Dome With a Dash of TreasonThat a presidential national security adviser might have sold his influence to a foreign government so quickly and cheaply is a very big deal.
  12. Trump’s Big Political Asset Is Supporters Who Believe Any Negative News Is FakeGOP “base” voters have long regarded the media as “biased” allies of their enemies. It’s taken Trump to convince them any bad news is just made up.
  13. politics
    Frank Rich: Nixon, Trump, and How a Presidency EndsJust wait. Watergate didn’t become Watergate overnight, either.
  14. the national interest
    Comey’s Memo Is the Smoking Gun of Donald Trump’s WatergateA perversion of justice, a threat to the republic, and an impeachable crime.
  15. Will Republicans Let Trump Curb the Russia Investigation?There are few ways to pursue an investigation of Russia-Trump ties if the administration fights it, so long as the congressional GOP has Trump’s back.
  16. from the archives
    Revisiting New York’s Watergate Series As the scandal crested, we imagined what it looked like. 
  17. the national circus
    Frank Rich: Echoes of Watergate Summer A familiar bleakness has settled on Washington.
  18. watergate
    Garage Where ‘Deep Throat’ Met Bob Woodward Is Being Torn Down Tour groups will be devastated.
  19. watergate
    GOP ‘Savior’ Marco Rubio Turns Water to GoldOr at least $100,000.
  20. watergate
    Marco Rubio on His Water Bottle: God Made Me Thirsty“I needed water, what am I going to do?”
  21. watergate
    Marco Rubio’s Big Moment Thwarted by Water Break Rubio’s Poland Spring bottle is the new Clint Eastwood chair.
  22. ink-stained wretches
    Bob Woodward on Ben Bradlee’s ‘Residual Fear’Will a Bradlee biography change the story of Watergate?
  23. chuck colson
    Nixon’s Hatchet Man Dies at 80Political strategist turned minister Chuck Colson authored both the enemies list and the autobiography Born Again
  24. watergate remembered
    Garage Where ‘Deep Throat’ Met Watergate Source Now Has Its Own Historic MarkerPair met six times between 1972 and 1973.
  25. america’s sweetheart
    Palin: College Kid Hacking My E-mail Was Just Like WatergateThe hacker has been found guilty on two counts and faces over twenty years in prison.
  26. ink-stained wretches
    Bob Woodward Unimpressed by the Times’ Watergate ScoopA tip is nothing without a brilliant reporter to follow up on it.
  27. early and often
    ‘Deep Throat’ Mark Felt Dead at 95The infamous Watergate source, who revealed himself in 2005, passed away yesterday.