Moby went to his first New York nightclub in 1981. “I was 14 or 15 years old, and I don’t think a month has gone by since 1981 where I haven’t gone out somewhere in New York,” he said en route to a gig at the Box on March 26. “Now I’m 42 years old, and at this point, the majority of my friends are home in bed by eleven o’clock. But I still find myself, at least two or three times a week, staying up until five o’clock in the morning and drinking too much and being stupid.” He’s not entirely happy about that. “Being 42 and going out a lot is moderately depressing,” he said. “The older I get, I imagine, the more depressing it will be.” So why does he do it? “New York,” he said, “for all its gentrification, is still ultimately a hedonistic place.”
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