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Rob Patronite

February 7, 2005 | Feature
Wing It

For a nonpartisan�and slightly less sloppy�Super Bowl Sunday, skip the cheese steaks and lobster rolls and order in some spicy chicken wings.

February 7, 2005 | Feature
Fat Tuesday

New York’s no New Orleans, but that’s no reason not to get in the bead-slinging swing come February 8.

January 24, 2005 | Restaurant Openings
Restaurant Openings & Buzz

Week of Jan. 17, 2005: Gari, Bond 45, Baked, Pukk, Babu, Carl's Steaks, and Chop't. Plus, City Bakery's Hot Chocolate Festival, sweet relief, and more.

January 24, 2005 | Restaurant Review

Bouillabaisse 126 brings bistro charm, and a fine fish stew, to Union Street.

January 24, 2005 | In Season

When life throws you a pithy pomelo, as they say, make candied pomelo peel.

January 24, 2005 | Map
Eats Village

Where once there was just Dojo and Khyber Pass, now there’s a gourmet glut. St. Marks Place (and vicinity, in Realtor-speak) is the latest Restaurant Row.

January 24, 2005 | Feature
Brew Masters

In the darkest depths of winter, the tea ritual is one way to warm up an afternoon.

January 24, 2005 | Feature
Orange Alert

Sometimes nothing will do but a comforting crock of macaroni and cheese.

January 17, 2005 | Restaurant Openings
Restaurant Openings & Buzz

Week of Jan. 10, 2005: BLT Fish, Bellavitae, Sandia, Bar Sasa, and Aquavit. Plus, one of the "greatest winter dishes known to mankind" and a pocket-sized guide to Italian wine.

January 17, 2005 | In Season

No fruit�or berry, if you want to get technical�demonstrates the virtue of patience more dramatically than the persimmon.