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Rob Patronite

January 21, 2008 | The Underground Gourmet
Ciambottini, Baby!

A West Village anti�wine bar breaks away from the panini pack.

January 14, 2008 | In Season
Collard Greens

If you neglected to eat your collards on New Year’s Day, an act that superstitious Southerners believe will bring you riches untold, consider the humble green’s other benefits

January 14, 2008 | Short Lists
Toasty Mugs

Take these hot drinks in regular doses this winter and you won’t feel a thing, least of all the cold.

December 24, 2007 | Restaurant Openings
Restaurant Openings

Week of December 24, 2007: Felice Wine Bar, Zen Burger, and Seymour Burton.

December 24, 2007 | Feature
Calorific Countdown to 2008

Before you draw up those New Year’s resolutions, get your chubby fingers around these diet-be-damned dishes.

December 24, 2007 | In Season
Vacherin Mont d’Or

As eagerly anticipated among its fervent followers as Christmas Day is among the townsfolk of Whoville, Vacherin Mont d’Or is a truly seasonal cheese.

December 24, 2007 |
30. Because Although We Banned Trans Fats, We’re Not Afraid of Frying

In spite of mounting evidence that our Spanx-wearing, lipo-loving, diet-crazed citizenry just might be a species as obsessed with its own body image as the average Angeleno, you wouldn’t know it from visiting our restaurants.

December 24, 2007 |
31. Because We Can Eat Warm Chocolate Bread Pudding With Bacon Crème Anglaise Out of a Truck

In this food-obsessed city, mobile meals are nothing new.

December 24, 2007 | Short Lists
Just Add Bubbly

There’s a New Year’s feast out there for every appetite.

December 17, 2007 | Feature
You Can Take the Deli Out of Second Avenue

The heir to New York’s matzo-ball throne woos a new generation with crispy fried chicken skin, smoked-fish appetizing, and the requisite helping of schmaltz.