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Rob Patronite

February 12, 2007 | Feature
They Feel Good About Their Necks

An unfamiliar cut is showing up on local menus, prompting the question: Is neck the new cheek?

February 12, 2007 | Restaurant Openings
Restaurant Openings

Week of February 12, 2007: Olympic Pita, Blue Ribbon Bar, and Westville East.

February 12, 2007 | In Season
Cara Cara Oranges

According to Mitch Spitz of Brooklyn’s gourmet produce store the Orchard, cara cara oranges in particular �were not affected that badly� by the big West Coast freeze. And although prices have increased, the supply around town is good.

February 5, 2007 | Feature
Taste Test: Hot Chocolate

There's hot chocolate, and there’s hot chocolate. Here are the city’s best, in order.

February 5, 2007 | Restaurant Openings
Restaurant Openings

Week of Feb. 5, 2007: Dieci, The Tasting Room Wine Bar & Café, Retsina Elliniko Estiatorio, Ostia, and Max.

January 5, 2007 | Feature

New York City food news.

February 5, 2007 | In Season
Meatball Sliders

Meatballs aren’t exactly seasonal. But anyone who’s ever thrown a Super Bowl party knows better than to try to serve a root-vegetable stew to an excitable gridiron crowd.

February 5, 2007 | The Underground Gourmet
Son of Bistro Burger

In the Village, pub grub with a famous pedigree.

February 5, 2007 | Short Lists
Dippity Do

Get out your snowflake sweater and giant après-ski boots�it’s fondue season.

January 22, 2007 | Feature
The I Chang

The radical chef David Chang became an unlikely superstar making strange, cheap, and mesmerizing food at Momofuku Noodle Bar. But with his new project (Asian burritos!) off to a slow start, the willful iconoclast faces an unpalatable choice: stay culty and small or compromise and bring in the masses.