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Robin Raisfeld

November 6, 2006 | Short Lists
The Departed

Americans have Halloween and candy corn; the same week, Mexicans (and Mexican restaurants looking to drum up some business) have the Day of the Dead.

October 30, 2006 | Feature
Ferran Adrià, Molecular Gastronomist�Who, Me?

Q&A with the food futurist.

October 30, 2006 | Restaurant Openings
Restaurant Openings

Week of October 30, 2006: Sheep Station, Tinto Fino, Cafe Cluny, and Bar Matignetti.

October 30, 2006 | In Season
Sugar Pumpkins

They’re perfect for pie-making or any recipe that calls for an exceptionally smooth purée, like Gusto chef Amanda Freitag’s zuccotto.

October 30, 2006 | Short Lists
Late Lunch

There’s something very appealing about having the run of a place after the cell-phone-packing one-o’clockers have cleared out. These restaurants do not close between lunch and dinner.

October 30, 2006 | Short Lists
Fungus Fever

What do local gastronomes get when you cross a wet Italian summer with a strong euro? An abundance of pricey white truffles.

October 23, 2006 | Feature
Monsieur Baguette

A Cornell professor with a bread fetish comes to town and separates the wheat from the chaff.

October 23, 2006 |
Honeycrisp Apple

Developed by University of Minnesota breeders in 1960 and introduced in 1991, the Honeycrisp apple is an extraordinarily crunchy cross between the Macoun and the Honeygold.

October 16, 2006 | Restaurant Openings
Restaurant Openings & Buzz

Week of October 16, 2006: Bedford Cheese Shop relocates, Urban Lobster, and Cobblestone Foods. Plus, how to find good eggs.

October 16, 2006 | In Season

Fairly bursting at the seams with assorted vitamins and minerals, not to mention beta-carotene, the humble carrot is a true super food, even if eating a gargantuan amount could turn skin temporarily yellow like a bad bronzer.