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In Season Archive

January 21, 2008
Satsuma Mandarins

In the depths of winter, citrus fruits are more than just a ray of sunshine�they’re a godsend.

January 14, 2008
Collard Greens

If you neglected to eat your collards on New Year’s Day, an act that superstitious Southerners believe will bring you riches untold, consider the humble green’s other benefits

December 24, 2007
Vacherin Mont d’Or

As eagerly anticipated among its fervent followers as Christmas Day is among the townsfolk of Whoville, Vacherin Mont d’Or is a truly seasonal cheese.

December 17, 2007

For many, there are few kitchen chores as dreaded as extracting the juicy, jewel-like seeds from a pomegranate.

December 10, 2007

This week marks Hanukkah, the Jewish holiday that commemorates the miracle of a day’s worth of oil used to keep Temple lights burning for eight by feasting on a variety of fried foods, most notably potato latkes.

December 3, 2007
Hakurei Turnip

The Hakurei, or Tokyo, turnip is a Japanese variety that’s crisp, juicy, and delicious raw, as anyone who’s recently cadged a sample at the Keith’s Farm stand can attest.

November 26, 2007
Leftover Turkey

No Thanksgiving is complete without a turkey sandwich cobbled together long after the last relative has toddled out the door.

November 19, 2007

Revered in France and especially Italy for its slightly bitter and herby flavor, the cardoon has only recently begun to make a name for itself on local menus.

November 5, 2007
Bosc Pears

Tocqueville’s Marco Moreira amplifies the delicate sweetness of the Bosc, a variety he likes for its sturdiness when baked or poached, by roasting it with butter and sugar.

October 29, 2007
Pasture-Raised Chicken

Nothing against eating chicken year-round, but locally raised birds like the ones sold fresh at the Flying Pigs Farm Greenmarket stand from Labor Day through November are a special treat.