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In Season Archive

April 3, 2006

Although pineapples are available year-round, aficionados say that the Hawaiian variety is at its best from spring through early summer�which makes the wait for local warm-weather fruit a little bit sweeter.

March 6, 2006
Jerusalem Artichokes

Neither from Jerusalem nor an artichoke, this misunderstood native American tuber is actually a kind of sunflower, or girasole in Italian.

February 27, 2006

These silver-bellied members of the herring family are loaded with fat (the good omega-3 kind), not to mention flavor.

February 20, 2006
German Butterball Potatoes

A favorite among potato farmers and fancy chefs alike, the German Butterball (no relation to the turkey) is an heirloom variety known as a �butterless� potato; because it’s so good, you don’t need butter.

February 13, 2006
Meyer Lemon

Native to China and widely planted in California, the Meyer lemon is a cross between a lemon and an orange, sweeter and more fragrant than the former and tarter than the latter.

February 6, 2006
Chili Con Carne

Tuscany’s a long way from Terlingua, but Maremma chef Cesare Casella’s Tuscan chili could bring together any Texans and Cincinnatians who show up at your Super Bowl party.

January 23, 2006

This time of year, the Greenmarket teems with swollen tubers and gnarly, elongated roots, like the fresh horseradish that can be found all winter at the Paffenroth stand.

January 16, 2006
Red Cabbage

Although the decidedly plebeian cabbage plays an integral summer role�what would a backyard barbecue be without coleslaw, or a July 4 hot dog minus sauerkraut?�its hardiness makes it a cold-weather staple wherever it grows.

December 26, 2005

It’s funny to think that back in Colonial days, eels were as popular with the locals as three-cornered hats and buckle shoes.

December 19, 2005
Winter Greens

Winter greens, or "cooking greens," have their own assertive allure - not to mention an abundance of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.