- June 19, 2006
- Wild Alaskan King Salmon
This time of year, of course, there is no richer, fattier, tastier delicacy than wild salmon from out West, the Alaskan king, a.k.a. Chinook, in particular.
- June 12, 2006
- Bloomsday Cheese
Attention, fromage-loving Joycean scholars: Cato Corner Farm’s Bloomsday cheese aged one year will arrive on schedule next week at Greenmarket.
- June 5, 2006
- Sorrel
Sorrel, the arrowhead-shaped herb and member of the buckwheat family that’s prized for its inherently tart, lemony flavor, is traditionally used in cream soups and fish sauces.
- May 29, 2006
- Green Garlic
While ramps get all the Greenmarket glory this time of year, green garlic (a.k.a. spring garlic, young garlic, and baby garlic) is no slouch in the pungent-flavor department.
- May 22, 2006
- Watercress
Long relegated to dainty English tea sandwiches, innocuous garnishes, and the like, watercress can withstand a bit rougher treatment.
- May 15, 2006
- Morels
As fleeting as ramps, as spring-fever-inducing as fiddlehead ferns, and as pricey as a tankful of gas, fresh wild morels have swooped into town.
- May 8, 2006
- Leeks
In Spain, springtime is welcomed with a calçotada, the annual flame-licked ritual of grilling calçots, a sort of sweet, tender spring onion, over an open fire.
- May 1, 2006
- Burdock
Scrub one down and try it in this recipe for kinpira, a traditional Japanese dish, from the East Village izakaya Kasadela.
- April 24, 2006
- Trout
Get out your fly rods and woolly buggers: It’s trout season. If you can’t picture yourself maneuvering a swift-flowing Catskills stream in hip waders, there’s always the Union Square Greenmarket, where Dave Harris of Max Creek Hatchery sells brook and rainbow trout every Wednesday.
- April 17, 2006
- Lobster
Although summer is peak lobster season, local trappers like Phil Karlin of the Greenmarket’s PE&DD Seafood begin hauling in their pots from Long Island Sound at a steady clip right about now.