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March 15, 2010 Issue

Cover Story

Best of New York 2010

Our obsessively vetted annual compendium of where to go for the best of everything � New York’s most estimable food, stores, stress-relief outlets, home services, kid stuff, and places to get (and stay) beautiful. Inside, you’ll find the city’s finest Canadian sandwich, a dance party where you’ll never hear the words �last call,� the boutique with the biggest designer discounts per square inch, a grocery-delivery service that surpasses FreshDirect, and much more.
On the Cover: Design by VSA Partners, New York


The Cheney Government in Exile

The former vice-president has a plan to ensure his legacy: the political future of his daughter Liz.

The Liveliest Mind in New York

Tony Judt’s dazzling, cantankerous brain is one of this city’s great treasures. Now, two years into a devastating battle with ALS, it is all he has left.


The Big Shake

New York hasn’t had a big earthquake in 126 years, and history suggests that we’re likely to have one every century or two.

Ford Theater

The crazy logic of an outsider/insider carpetbagger candidacy.

The Neighborhood News

Our roundup of news from around the city.

Are We Running Out of Talent?

Reality TV’s new crisis.

Raging Hormones!

Major League witch hunt.

The Price of Rangel’s Fall

New York loses big.

37 Minutes With Shaun White

The best snowboarder in human history likes to skateboard aimlessly around New York City.

Vanessa Williams Is Sad About Ugly End for Betty

�Thank God I’m not singing �Send in the Clowns,’� she says.

Ryan McGinley’s Fosse Dreams

Ryan McGinley wishes he could remake All That Jazz.


The Outsiders

They represent change, not business as usual. And they’re � Democrats!?!


Sweetheart of Early-Adult Angst

Mumblecore’s Greta Gerwig goes mainstream with Greenberg.

The Movie Review

Dakota Fanning can’t quite save The Runaways. Plus, the frenetic attack of Green Zone.

Lines, Please

If you can’t move your face, can you still act with it?

Everything But the Robots

A Kuniyoshi retrospective reveals the roots of manga.

The Architecture Review

After decades of putting up awful buildings, Columbia tries to break its streak.

A Tall Drink of Still Waters

On Justified, Timothy Olyphant returns to his calling: the smoldering lawman with issues.

Outsider Artist

Shilpa Ray turns alienation into lusty, bluesy rock.

The Book Review

David Shields’s new �manifesto� is a pain in the ars poetica.


The Gluten-Free Gourmet

Roberto Caporuscio of Kesté Pizza & Vino adds three special pies to the menu.


Comments: Week of March 15, 2010

Readers sound off on Rupert Murdoch, the Ultimate New York Playlist, and more.

The Approval Matrix: Week of March 15, 2010

Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.

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