Miracles? In an age of uncaring doctors, faceless insurance bureaucracies, and spiraling medical costs, it can be hard just to get a decent checkup. Still, New York remains on the cutting edge of quality health care, and remarkable medical success stories happen here every day. In this, our eighth annual “Best Doctors” issue, we feature ten case studies of extraordinary doctors helping extraordinary patients. If the word “miracles” seems strong to you, ask yourself this: What would you call it if you accidentally ran over your 2-year-old son while backing out of your driveway and a pediatric neurosurgeon removed half of his skull and saved his life? Should you require sudden medical attention of your own (and we fervently hope you never do), or if you just want a good checkup, you can find what you need here—the bulk of the following contains our annual list of the city’s top doctors. This year’s roster totals 1,374 physicians in every specialty from addiction psychiatry to vascular surgery. The doctors hail from all five boroughs, Westchester County, Long Island, and parts of New Jersey and Connecticut. That means you should have no trouble finding a quality doctor near you, which is something of a miracle in its own right.