Camping kits . . .

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Ring Leader
They claim that it’s inspired by European market bags, but Kooba’s Isabel bag should not be used for carrying produce. It’s a lovely mesh suede shoulder bag that not only is the perfect addition to a sassy summer outfit, but, with its gold rings, gives you a bit of That Girl as well. Available in two sizes, and three colors: pink, blue, and gold ($225 and $275).
625 Madison Avenue, at 61st Street/212-826-8900

Tee Time
Attention all fashionistas: Kal Ruttenstein’s Superman T-shirt phase is over. Bloomingdale’s senior vice-president of fashion direction has traded in his signature Superman tee for this new Moulin Rouge number. The sleeveless shirt is one of those rare movie-merchandise pieces cool enough to wear while the movie is actually in theaters. A portion of sales go to Nicole Kidman’s favorite charity, the UCLA Women’s Reproductive Cancer Program ($32).
1000 Third Avenue, at 59th Street/212-705-3876

Mug Shot
Milton Glaser, who created the famous I LOVE NY logo, is still hard at work. His latest project is a set of ceramic coffee mugs, called Measurement Mugs, each featuring tidbits of info about caffeine. One mug shows the amount of caffeine needed for six different activities, ranging from napping (zero ounces) to driving (ten ounces). Another offers instructions on the proper way to hold a mug and position one’s lips (set of four, $35).
1144 Lexington Avenue, near 79th Street/212-472-6830
434 Third Avenue, near 30th Street/212-779-1241

Will Travel
Louis Vuitton’s newly updated City Guide is in stores, just in time for the busy European-vacation season. The boxed set consists of eight volumes, with 7,000 listings covering 32 cities. It includes all the usual suspects (London, Paris, Rome) along with a few surprises (St. Petersburg, Istanbul, Antwerp). Hurry. The set invariably sells out ($55).
703 Fifth Avenue, at 55th Street/212-758-8877
116 Greene Street/212-274-9090

The Write Way
Sending kids off to camp – and out of cell-phone range? How will they survive? Perhaps by writing good old-fashioned letters. Hudson Street Papers carries a very cute kit: Everything a Kid Needs to Write Letters From Camp. Housed in a cardboard box are twelve note sheets, twelve note cards, ten postcards, one address book, two pencils, and twelve stickers, with varying campy motifs including a mosquito, paw prints, and a compass ($28.95).
357 Bleecker Street/212-229-1064

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Camping kits . . .