Posted October 6, 2005
They say we’re supposed to brush our teeth for two minutes continuously, once in the morning, once at night. Two minutes might sound like nothing, but I am here to tell you that it is a long time. Recently, I was testing these Radius “intelligent” toothbrushes. They have a button on the side that you press when you start brushing, and it beeps every 30 seconds and then double beeps when you are done. I brushed, and brushed and brushed—I was sure the device was broken because it seemed like an absolute eternity before I hit the first beep. I still can’t make it to the elusive two-minute double beep (unless I let the toothbrush hang there, dangling from my mouth like a cigarette, while I answer e-mails), but I guess we all need to set goals for ourselves, no? (By the way, the head of the brush changes color when it’s time for a new one. Love that.)
$8 at radiustoothbrush.com.