Cyclones in Brooklyn; Sylvia Lloses; and more . . .

A Team Grows in Brooklyn
Last season, city baseball fans were really blessed. But just when you thought we couldn’t possibly top having two championship clubs, a third new team is coming to town. Anyone still weeping over the loss of the Dodgers (there are still plenty of bereaved fans out there) should be thrilled about the brand-new Brooklyn Cyclones. They’re minor-league (a Mets farm club), and they kick off their first season on June 25, just 43 years since Brooklyn last had a home team. Naturally, borough fans can’t wait to show their team spirit. The Cyclones cap, which interlaces the old Dodgers B with a new C, is in such demand that the Cyclones office was hit up for hats while they were still in production. They’re ready now (available at and 718-449-8497). Big foam fingers, however, are not part of the plan.

Hirsute and Tie
Proving that male vanity doesn’t require clean-cut fussiness, hairy Rasputin-style men are back, and they’re definitely looking a lot more gypsy than genteel. Heartthrob model Bill Gentle, a bona fide Romany Gypsy, has been working his long locks and scraggly beard on the runways and in Louis Vuitton’s fall ad campaign. On the street, the look – dark features, long unkempt hair, and scruff – has been catching on as Charlie Manson look-alikes take over the East Village and Lower East Side. “It’s kind of creepy,” says actor-filmmaker Vincent Gallo, reacting to the sudden ubiquity of a look he’s sported for years (you can see his unruly visage in current Missoni ads). “If I have long hair, it’s just because I’m too lazy to cut it.”

Okay, so they’re not as slimming as a good pair of heels, but slipper flats definitely score on the mobility front. Pointy and retro, this spring’s shoe of choice is tame and prim – perfect for circle skirts and preppy trousers. Marc Jacobs’s take (pictured) features buckles, zippers, and a full-color palette ($290-$370 at Marc Jacobs, 163 Mercer Street; 212-343-1490). At Sigerson Morrison, colors range from camel to red to lavender, in fabrics like suede, patent, and metallic leather ($190-$275; 28 Prince Street; 212-219-3893). Prepare to readjust yourself for a world in which you’re a good three inches shorter than you thought you were.

Smart Set
Sylvia Lloses

For the past three years, Sylvia Lloses has been, at her perch in Mayle on Elizabeth Street, one of the more enviable shop girls of NoLIta. More effective than a catalogue or an ad, Lloses looks good no matter what clothes she’s selling. So good, in fact, that there are moments when you think you might be able to pull off leather-trimmed lace knickers, too. A native of Barcelona, Lloses is actually a designer herself and has worked with top Spanish talents like Antonio Miró and Josep Font. This week, her clothing hits the rack right beside Mayle’s phenomenally successful collection. “It’s classic, but it’s also conceptual,” she says of her bias-cut cotton skirts and asymmetrical dresses, which share Mayle’s highly feminine, romantic sensibility, and should round out the tiny shop’s line. “If there are not enough bottoms,” Lloses explains in her rolling, Spanish accent, “I make some bottoms.” (Mayle, 252 Elizabeth St., 212-625-0406).

Cyclones in Brooklyn; Sylvia Lloses; and more . . .