Outrageous-Amenity Watch

The Building: Chelsea Mansion, 436 W. 20th St.
The Amenity: Complimentary psychic readings.
The Pitch: In-house gyms are so unimaginative. Tenants at the Chelsea Mansion, a 10,000-square-foot townhouse that’s been converted into a five-unit, upmarket rental—think $15,000 a month for a two-bedroom—receive a free hour-long “channeled reading” each month by celebrity psychic Roxanne Usleman Hulderman, above. So far, the medium has garnered raves from tenants, who’ve lobbed her questions about everything from careers (“Will I get an Academy Award?” asked a hopeful thespian. Answer: “A nomination is definitely in the cards next year”) to finance (“How does the stock market look in the next three months?” Response: “It’ll be up and down, mostly down”) to, of course, romance (“When will I meet my soul mate?” Reply: “Within the next eleven months”).

Outrageous-Amenity Watch