Lawyer Aaron Broudo grew up in Richmond, British Columbia, home to the largest outdoor night market in North America, and reveled in Thailand’s after-hours markets on a postcollege trip through Southeast Asia. Now he’s bringing the night-market experience to New York—if only for one evening. On October 9, Broudo and event producer Joann Kim Núñez will host the free Brooklyn Night Bazaar at DeKalb Market, the shipping-container mini-mallin Downtown Brooklyn (138 Willoughby St., nr. Flatbush Ave.; 5 p.m. to midnight). The party will add 50 vendors—including Luke’s Lobster and Tortilleria Nixtamal—to the market’s regulars and featureLED-lit sculptures by Jason Krugman, a beer garden stocked by Six Point and Brooklyn Winery, and a concert headlined by the electro band Yacht ($12 advance, $15 day of concert; ticketfly.com).