Calling a secret phone number to make an appointment at the new uptown Caravan boutique may seem pretentious, but the store claims it’s necessary to give shoppers a pleasant and personal retail experience (128 E. 91st St., nr. Lexington Ave.). Neighborhood locals can drop in to secure a time slot, but the general public doesn’t have it so easy. If you’re not a regular at the store’s location on Great Jones Street, try befriending an in-store stylist. All this for what? Adorable tunic dresses from American Vintage ($129), chic navy-and-orange silk dresses from Shoshanna ($391 to $415), and men’s clothing, including a handsome gray peacoat from Hyden Yoo ($575). There’s one last reason to covet that phone number: the complimentary Moët and delectable chocolates from Boule awaiting customers inside.