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Ask Polly
Ask Polly: My Sister Has Cancer, and I Can’t Go OnEven though you’d rather crawl into a hole than face this reality, you can’t.
Ask Polly: Why Do Men Even Want to Date Women?Making yourself feel superior to other women is not a good look.
Ask Polly: Why Should I Keep Going?Stop trying to escape where you are.
Ask Polly: My Father Raped Me.I’m so sorry for what you’ve endured.
Ask Polly: What Am I Doing Wrong With Men?Nothing, except fixating on what’s wrong with you.
Ask Polly: Am I Too Controlling?No, but you can’t save someone from himself.
Ask Polly: I’m a Former Fat Nerd. Will Anyone Ever Love Me?Nothing is less interesting than men who have always had it all.
Ask Polly: Why Did My Dream Man Dump Me?No one can be a sexy badass all the time.
Ask Polly: How Can I Make My Marriage Last?Generosity, exercise, and a really big bed.
Ask Polly: I Finally Came Out and My First Lover Ghosted Me“Right after I came out, I lost my virginity and had my heart broken.”
Ask Polly’s Holiday Survival GuideHow to avoid regressing to a childlike state and setting your house on fire during your next visit home.
Ask Polly: I’m Homesick But I Can’t Move Home!Every location on the planet has its particular indignities.
Ask Polly: I’m Sick of Being Unhappy and Alone!It’s time to get as far outside yourself as you can.
Ask Polly: Can I Start Over in a New Career?You’re unlikely to succeed in a field you don’t believe in or enjoy.
Ask Polly: Should I Just Give Up on My Writing?Writing can’t be a popularity contest, and popularity doesn’t add up to much anyway.
Ask Polly: Why Is Everyone Succeeding Except Me?Put your ego aside and figure out what makes you happy.
Ask Polly: I Keep Drifting Into Meaningless Flings!As long as you treat sex as reassurance, you won’t find the relationship you want.
Ask Polly: Are My Friends Using Me?Stop trying to solve their problems.
Ask Polly: I’m 36—Did I Miss My Chance for Love?You haven’t done anything wrong, and you still have time.
Ask Polly: I’m Panicked That He’ll Leave Me. They Always Do!Put your hopes and dreams first and hold back some of what you’re thinking.
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