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Cable News News

  1. roger ailes
    Gawker Uncovers a 1970 ‘Plan for Putting the GOP on TV News’What else is just floating around the Nixon Library?
  2. cable news news
    Glenn Beck, the Farewell MegamixThe Fox News host’s last day is tomorrow.
  3. cable news catfights
    Jon Stewart: Yes, Fox News, I Do Make Silly Ethnic VoicesBut I’m no racist.
  4. cable news catfights
    New Yorkers Turned on Glenn Beck in Bryant Park Last Night [Updated]Things got ugly.
  5. cable news catfights
    Jon Stewart: Fox News Is ‘the Biggest Bunch of Crybabies I Have Dealt With in My 30 Years in Washington’The Comedy Central host uses Chris Wallace’s words against him.
  6. cable news news
    CNN’s Ed Henry Jumps to Fox NewsAnother steal!
  7. cable news catfights
    Bill O’Reilly to Sit Down With Lupe FiascoThis should be good.
  8. cable news news
    First Ad for Keith Olbermann’s New Show Reminds You of Everything You Hate About Keith OlbermannAlso, he’s just hired Matt Taibbi!
  9. cable news news
    Some People Like Glenn Beck and Keith Olbermann, But a Lot of People Hate ThemThis may not surprise you, but now we have statistics!
  10. cable news news
    Roger Ailes: ‘I’d Like to Hire Hillary Clinton. She Looks Unhappy’Also, Andrew Cuomo “could be a good candidate for president.”
  11. weinergate
    Shep Smith Thinks It Should Be Easy to Remember a PenisLookin’ at you, Weiner.
  12. cable news news
    Traveling With Roger Ailes Is ‘Like a Scene Straight Out of 24That sounds kind of fun?
  13. cable news news
    ‘Page Six’: Erin Burnett Will Take Over John King’s Time Slot at CNN [Updated]That explains some things.
  14. video
    Gabe Sherman on Morning Joe: Roger Ailes vs. Glenn Beck“Roger realized Glenn’s brand was overtaking his network.”
  15. obits
    CNBC’s Mark Haines DiesA well-respected anchor goes too soon.
  16. cable news news
    Michael Steele Joins MSNBC As a Political Analyst“I’m sure our discussions will be both informative and a bit spirited!”
  17. cable news catfights
    Roger Ailes: ‘People Tell Me All the Time It Was Truly Pathetic That I Was the One Who Gave Chris Matthews His Start on Television.’To be fair, Matthews kind of walked into it.
  18. cable news news
    Joe Scarborough Loses It Over Confrontational Newt Gingrich VideoThe giggles have infected ‘Morning Joe.’
  19. cable news catfights
    Jon Stewart and Bill O’Reilly to Get Together on Monday to Debate … CommonThat’s definitely going to be relevant in three days’ time.
  20. cable news news
    CBS Looking to Woo Morning Joe?Seems crazy. But maybe?
  21. cable news news
    Was CNN’s John King About to Pass Out While Announcing the Death of Osama?Shouldn’t he have been excited?
  22. cable news news
    Erin Burnett to Leave CNBC for CNNThis is slightly unexpected.
  23. newtonium
    Howard Kurtz: Fox Is Crossing Its Fingers Newt Gingrich Will Jump Into the Race by May 3That way their debate won’t totally suck.
  24. cable news catfights
    Rachel Maddow Thinks That Other Gay Newscaster Should Come Out of the Closet AlreadyListening, O’Reilly?
  25. cable news news
    If You Work at Roger Ailes’s Upstate Local Newspapers, He Might Have You FollowedOr watch you poop.
  26. blobs
    Contessa Brewer Is PregnantThat’s nice.
  27. cable news news
    Lisa Vanderpump Continues Campaign to Take Over WorldShe’s got a gig with HLN now.
  28. cable news news
    Megyn Kelly Gives Birth to Baby GirlThe Fox News host welcomes Yardley Evans to her brood.
  29. cable news news
    Roger Ailes Doesn’t Care If You Say Beck Quit or Got Fired“We’re pretty happy with both.”
  30. cable news news
    Glenn Beck Is Leaving Fox NewsWho will tell us how the world is going to end now?
  31. bons mots
    Willie Geist Is Not Proud of His Morning Joe Beverages“I’m not a coffee drinker so my drink is kind of like a girlie skim chai latte.”
  32. glenn beck living omnimedia
    Could Glenn Beck Be the Next Oprah?One of the options the host is considering in a potential post-Fox News life is taking over his own cable channel.
  33. bayhpartisanship
    Evan Bayh Hired As Contributor to Fox NewsThis should not be as confusing to you as it sounds.
  34. cable news news
    David Carr: Some Fox Execs Contemplating ‘Life Without Beck’ in 2012The controversial doomsayer’s contract is up in December. As his numbers tumble, there’s a chance it won’t get renewed.
  35. cable news catfights
    James Wolcott Plays Right Into Piers Morgan’s HandsDon’t make fun of the man, it only makes him stronger!
  36. foxes of finance
    Lou Dobbs Will Debut on Fox Business Network in Two WeeksHe’ll lecture you about the economy.
  37. cable news news
    Eliot Spitzer Has Already Moved Into Kathleen Parker’s Old OfficeThe old bird wasn’t even gone a day!
  38. cable news catfights
    Kathleen Parker Out at CNN Primetime, Eliot Spitzer to Star on New Show, In the ArenaThat was fast.
  39. cable news news
    Roger Ailes Is the Fox News Exec Judith Regan Claimed Ordered Her to Lie to FedsBear with us.
  40. cable news news
    Larry King Forgets How Many Wives He’s Had“The only one that counts is the last one.”
  41. cable news news
    Michael Ware Leaves CNN OfficiallyThe war correspondent won’t return from book leave.
  42. cable news news
    Piers Morgan to Briefly Demonstrate How Dangerous He Can BeHis guest will be Larry King, who recently mocked Morgan’s oversold edginess.
  43. cable news news
    Larry King Wouldn’t Exactly Call Piers Morgan ‘Dangerous’Catfight!
  44. 21 questions
    Ed Schultz Drinks Whiskey in the Winter, Gin and Tonics in the SummerThe MSNBC host fills out our patented questionnaire.
  45. cable news news
    Olbermann To Go Up Against His ReplacementSame Keith time, different Keith channel.
  46. cable news news
    Olbermann Confirmed at Current TVHe’ll anchor a nightly live news broadcast.
  47. cable news news
    Tomorrow, Keith Olbermann to Announce ‘the Next Chapter in His Remarkable Career’He and “his new partners” will make a statement at eleven a.m.
  48. cable news catfights
    Howard Stern, Piers Morgan Exchange PotshotsEveryone’s an adult this week.
  49. the gods must be crazy
    Rachel Maddow the Latest Journo to Be Bamboozled by ChristwireAw, come on, Rach.
  50. cable news news
    Piers Morgan a Week In: Ratings Slipping, Confidence ClimbingMSNBC may have a horse race on its hands.
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