Puppies - New York Magazine
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  1. puppies!!!!!!
    Assemblyman Steve Katz Dogged by Two Canine-Related ArrestsWoof.
  2. puppies!!!!!!
    No More Fine Dining for DogsWhat will Genghis Khan do?
  3. puppies!!!!!!
    Martha Stewart’s Chow Chow Has Pristine MannersThat’s why he gets to eat at the Plaza.
  4. puppies!!!!!!
    Westminster’s Best in Show Is … Malachy the Pekingese!Cuteness: activated.
  5. puppies!!!!!!
    Slideshow: The Westminster Dog Show Was As Stylish As EverCheck out pictures of all the puppies!!!!!!
  6. puppies!!!!!!
    The Average Person Will Spend $4.52 on Their Pet This Valentine’s DayAre you below or above average?
  7. puppies!!!!!!
    Martha Stewart’s Dog Triumphs at WestminsterHis name is Ghengis Khan. Really.
  8. media
    America Gets the Time Magazine It DeservesIt’s dumber than the international editions.
  9. Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Wants What He Is DueConan O’Donnell’s canine friend Triumph the Insult Comic Dog was passed over for a Golden Collar Award nomination by Dog News Daily, and no […]
  10. puppies!!!!!!
    The Truth About Cats and Dogs on the InternetBreaking down the Internet’s animal preferences.
  11. puppies!!!!!!
    Manhattan Man Suing for Custody of ‘Kidnapped’ Dog, KnucklesKnuckles the puggle is in the middle of a custody battle.
  12. puppies!!!!!!
    NYPD Dogs Will Be Strapped With Infrared CamerasThe new technology comes courtesy of grants from FEMA and the TSA.
  13. diarrheal puppies!!
    David Axelrod Drops the S-BombSeamus.
  14. elderly puppies!!
    How Can the World’s Oldest Dog Have Died AGAIN?This happens like, once a month!
  15. Inspector Izzy
    Adorable Puppies Are Inspecting Your Luggage for FoodMakes us want to pack a bunch of mangoes!
  16. puppies!!!!!!
    California Has a Genius Plan for Solving Its Budget CrisisIt involves a Pembroke Welsh Corgi.
  17. sickly puppies!!
    Manhattan Woman Hopes to Prove Her Dog Has a Soul, or WhateverA momentarily heartwarming tale. 
  18. furry families
    Soon It’ll Be Legal to Be Buried With Your PetThe arc of history is long, but it bends towards progress.
  19. puppies!!!!!!
    Woman More Interested in Her Phone Than ObamaIt didn’t happen if there aren’t pictures, after all.
  20. christmas
    Have Yourself a ‘Puppy [Little] Christmas’Whereas the Puppy Bowl is for those less concerned with the Super Bowl, Puppy Christmas is for EVERYBODY. Because look at them!
  21. puppies!!!!!!
    World’s Oldest Dog Dies. Again. This story keeps happening. Why’s that?
  22. traumatized puppies!!!!!!!
    War Dogs Are Taking Xanax for Canine PTSDAbout 5 percent of all war dogs are said to be suffering from PTSD.
  23. astor-ia
    You Can Buy Brooke Astor’s ‘Dog Pictures’ at Sotheby’sDon’t all rush at once!
  24. war on terror puppies!!
    Stray Afghani Dogs Reunited With U.S. Soldiers in New YorkMission accomplished!
  25. puppies!!!!!!
    New York City Pet Stores Stocked With Dogs From Puppy MillsThey’re all buying from puppy mills.
  26. okapi puppies!!
    Meet M’bura, the Bronx Zoo’s Newest Okapi And learn some fun facts about this weird animal!
  27. puppies!!!!!!
    Scenes From Fort Greene’s Dog Halloween Costume ContestPuppies in costumes!
  28. zombie puppies!!!!!!
    New Jersey Is Now Home to Daniel, the Unkillable Miracle DogHe survived a doggie gas chamber.
  29. airborne puppies!!!!!!!
    The NYPD Finally Goes Too FarA police officer allegedly swatted a tiny dog out of a three-story window.
  30. ink-stained wretches
    Jill Abramson Will Never Live Down Her Voice, Dog, or TattooThe latest New York ‘Times’ executive editor gets ‘The New Yorker’ treatment.
  31. puppies!!!!!!
    New York Times Goes Dog-Crazy [Updated]Mayor Bloomberg and Jill Abramson have different relationships with their dogs.
  32. puppies!!!!!!
    Winifred Jiau Apologizes to the Real Victim of Her Insider TradingHis name is Hunter.
  33. sad things
    Queens Bodybuilder Threw Dog From WindowWhile listening to dance music.
  34. puppies!!!!!!
    Slideshow: Designers and Their Well-Dressed DogsCustom-made pink-feather couture headdresses and black python vests for dogs.
  35. burgled puppies!!!!!!
    Rash of Dognappings Hits BrooklynDo not leave your Yorkie tied up outside!
  36. puppies!!!!!!
    Puppies Being ‘Interviewed’ for Access to Doggy Day CareCanine summer camp is the new preschool. (Not really.)
  37. animal rights
    New York Lawyers Are Fighting Over a Cuddly DogRosie helps scared witnesses, but might also sway jurors.
  38. please curb your dogs
    News: Kid Makes Fun of Cop Stepping in Dog Poop, Gets His Head Slammed Into a WallTwo officers have been charged with assault.
  39. puppies!!!!!!
    Drunk People Are Buying Adorable Puppies They Won’t Want in Five HoursTwo West Village pet stores located near bars have been forced to enact bans on puppy purchases by drunks.
  40. puppies!!!!!!
    It’s Been a Good Day for Sad Dog StoriesSo many miracle pups!
  41. killer puppies!!!!!!!
    Now EVERYBODY Wants to Own a War DogYou, too, could have your own $50,000 killing machine.
  42. zebra puppies!!!!!!
    Meet Teri, the Bronx Zoo’s New Baby ZebraTeri doesn’t know about Osama bin Laden.
  43. puppies!!!!!!
    Academics Claim Your Pet May Be Insulted by the Word PetOkay, academics, that’s enough.
  44. burgled puppies!!!!!!
    Chihuahua Stolen From Back of Porsche — and Found Five Days LaterHarry had a big week.
  45. puppies!!!!!!
    New York to Get Official State Dog?If we do, it’ll be a rescue dog, natch.
  46. puppies!!!!!!
    State Senate Rejects Ruben Diaz Bill Requiring You to Train Your DogBad state senator, bad!
  47. Feed the Animals
    Beef Up Your Pet’s Diet With Vegan TreatsRaw-tailer One Lucky Duck has launched a pets department.
  48. puppies!!!!!!
    DNA Being Used to Convict Animal AbusersSaving puppies and kitties with science.
  49. party chat
    Brooke Astor’s Dachsunds Won’t Go Through the Doggy DoorIs this a surprise, really?
  50. puppies!!!!!!
    Heroic Doggie Won’t Leave Injured Pal in Earthquake DebrisJapanese puppies!
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