The Great Switcheroo - New York Magazine
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The Great Switcheroo

  1. the great switcheroo
    Respected, Reliable Newsman Ed Klein Has a Hot Scoop on the Biden-Clinton SwitchThe State Department denies it in a Seuss-esque poem.
  2. the great switcheroo
    John McCain, Sarah Palin Both Right About the ‘Great Switcheroo’An Obama-Clinton ticket would win, but there’s no upside for Clinton.
  3. the great switcheroo
    Clinton-Biden Switcheroo Gets More Pointless SpeculationNow Bill Keller “seriously” thinks Hillary should be the vice-president.
  4. the great switcheroo
    Why Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden Should Switch Places, Part XXIIClinton could win Florida for Obama.
  5. party chat
    Beau Biden Willing to Bet Dinner on the Biden–Clinton Switch Not HappeningSo you know he’s serious.
  6. the great switcheroo
    Clinton-Biden Switcheroo Not Impossible, Unnecessary Column Informs UsThis rumor will never die.
  7. the great switcheroo
    President Obama Says Switcheroo Rumors Are ‘Completely Unfounded’He said this three times.
  8. politispeak translator 5000
    Translating Hillary Clinton on the Switcheroo RumorsWhat is Hillary really saying about the rumors that she’ll become a VP candidate in 2012?
  9. Obama Administration Denies Bob Woodward’s Sordid Swapping RumorsWhich aren’t even new.
  10. the great switcheroo
    Clinton-Biden Switch ‘On the Table,’ Woodward SaysHe adds that Hilary could “run in her own right” in 2016.
  11. the great switcheroo
    Clinton-Biden Switcheroo Speculation ContinuesBush’s chief of staff wouldn’t be surprised if Hillary became Obama’s running mate in 2012.