In a pair of tweets Saturday morning, Donald Trump weighed in on the settlement of a series of lawsuits related to his failed Trump University business. The president-elect and his f0r-profit university were facing allegations of fraud by former students, by way of two class-action lawsuits, as well as a lawsuit brought by New York attorney general Eric T. Schneiderman. Trump had repeatedly defended the business and denied the allegations, vowing to win the case and insisting that he would refuse to settle out of principle — even saying he would relaunch the company once the case was resolved to spite his critics.
Despite all that, Trump and his legal team ultimately decided that they could not afford to go to trial while he was in the middle of putting together his White House administration, and so they settled the case this week for $25 million “without an acknowledgment of fault or liability,” though the settlement did include a $1 million penalty for violating New York State education laws.
According to Trump, however, that he wasn’t able to go to trial and win the case is “the ONLY bad thing” about him becoming president. Characteristically, he also tried to spin the settlement as a win, albeit a lesser win due to him having to put America ahead of defending himself against allegations of fraud: