Todd Akin - New York Magazine
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Todd Akin

  1. abortion
    Gun Guy Mark McCloskey Wants to Ban Abortions for Victims of Incestuous RapeThe GOP Senate hopeful who pointed guns at protesters wants to run wild with abortion policy in Missouri, the home of Todd “Legitimate Rape” Akin.
  2. politics
    Todd Akin Exposed the Republican Party’s Abortion ExtremismTalk of “legitimate rape” from the former congressman, who died this week, led to GOP losses in 2012. Today’s Republicans could experience déjà vu.
  3. 2022 midterms
    Greitens Tries the Maximum MAGA Strategy in Comeback Bid for Senate SeatThe disgraced former governor will have Trumpy competition in the primary, which could make a Democratic upset in a key Senate race possible.
  4. abortion
    Steve King Discusses the Sunny Side of Rape and IncestThe embattled old nativist opens up a new front of outrageous comments on abortion.
  5. GOP Competition to Show Who Loves Trump Most Could Backfire in NovemberExtremist candidates have hurt the GOP in the recent past. Association with an unpopular extremist president could do the same this year.
  6. Democratic Senate Looking Like a Reach — AgainProspects for a Democratic Senate after the midterms have waxed and waned, but it may be tough for Democrats to hang on in deep red states.
  7. Josh Hawley Goes Off the Deep End on the Sexual Revolution and Human TraffickingThe main difference between today’s GOP Senate candidate in Missouri and the hapless Todd Akin is some Ivy League polish.
  8. Roy Moore’s Troubles Could Open a Door to a Democratic SenateIt’s early days, but allegations of predatory behavior by the Alabamian could reduce the GOP’s Senate margin to one vote.
  9. ballpark frankness
    Drinking Beer With Senator Claire McCaskill“I get in trouble all the time for saying what I think. All. The. Time.”
  10. counterpoint
    Why Trent Franks Is Actually Worse Than Todd AkinA rebuttal.
  11. quotables
    Todd Akins Abound in Virginia RacesThree GOP nominees have a history of saying crazy things about women.
  12. ripped from the headlines
    The Many Legitimate Inspirations for SVU’s Legitimate Rape EpisodeIt’s not just Todd Akin.
  13. special victims nation
    SVU Rips ‘Legitimate Rape’ From the HeadlinesTodd Akin revenge porn.
  14. legitimate rape
    Some Republicans Still Aren’t Sure That Rape Can Cause Pregnancy California’s Celeste Greig didn’t get the memo on this.
  15. the war on women
    Male Republican Congressman Just Won’t Let ‘Legitimate Rape’ GoTodd Akin, he says, “was partly right.”
  16. the end of 2012
    The Year of the ‘Year of the Woman’America wanted 2012 to be about women. Was it?
  17. legitimate opinions
    Republican Adviser Lashes Out at Her Party’s Rape Caucus Karen Hughes is really sick of these guys. 
  18. interview
    Claire McCaskill’s Stylish Daughters Talk Todd Akin, Huntsman Girls, and MoreA Q&A with election “style breakout stars” Maddie and Lily Esposito.
  19. the war on women
    A Disaster of a Night for the GOP Rape and Abortion CaucusA victory for women and other empathetic humans.
  20. todd achin’
    Todd ‘Legitimate Rape’ Akin Loses to Claire McCaskillThe GOP forgave Akin, but voters didn’t.
  21. election 2012
    Rape Comments Aside, Akin and Mourdock Are Flush With GOP MoneyRepublicans would very much like to take back the Senate.
  22. election 2012
    What’s at Stake for Women on November 6?A battleground election guide.
  23. Tina Fey Thinks Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock Are Absurdly Dumb, Just […] “If I have to listen to one more grey-faced man with a $2 haircut explain to me what rape is, I’m going to lose my mind!” vows Tina Fey in […]
  24. politics
    Do You Have Republican Rape Outrage Fatigue?The alarming efficiency of covering Richard Mourdock’s controversy.
  25. todd achin’
    Todd Akin Tries an Awkward New Press OffensiveHe just can’t get media management right.
  26. todd achin’
    Akin Campaign Insists That Comparing Female Senator to Dog Is HilariousThis campaign really “gets” women and what they like to hear.
  27. todd akin
    Todd Akin Has a New Way to Describe Claire McCaskillAnd, yes, it’s pretty sexist. 
  28. master debaters
    In Debate, McCaskill Avoids Attacking Akin on ‘Legitimate Rape’Both sides pulled punches.
  29. sisterhood
    Pro-Life, Rape-Surviving Republicans Turn on Akin in New McCaskill AdsThree sexual assault survivors speak out against Todd Akin.
  30. shmashmortion
    Akin Makes Another Odd Abortion Claim What?
  31. Why Claire McCaskill Should Promote a Felon to Defeat Todd AkinA legitimate proposal.
  32. todd achin’
    Todd Akin Is Just Like Waco Cult Leader, Own Consultant BragsThis campaign just keeps getting better and better.
  33. todd achin’
    Todd Akin Has Some More Opinions on Ladies!Oh. My. God.
  34. legitimate rape
    GOP Heavyweights and Their Money Trickling Back to Todd Akin [Updated]Rick Santorum and Jim DeMint both pledge to help.
  35. early and often
    Todd ‘Legitimate Rape’ Akin Staying in Missouri Senate RaceNow with more Newt Gingrich.
  36. metaphors
    Akin’s Wife Compares GOP Treatment to RapeOr maybe just the threat of rape? It’s hard to tell.
  37. genital tales
    A Brief History of Magical Vaginas What Naomi Wolf has in common with Todd Akin and Diderot.
  38. the national interest
    Todd Akin and Senate PokerThe Senate race in which everybody is bluffing.
  39. beefs
    Newt and Huck Denounce Rove’s Todd Akin Joke“Terrible,” Newt called it. “Disturbing,” said Huck.
  40. death threats
    Karl Rove Swears He Was Kidding About Murdering Todd AkinHe joked about doing so at a Tampa fundraiser.
  41. campaign 2012
    Michelle Obama Is Not Watching the GOP ConventionBut there might have been some Todd Akin talk in the White House.
  42. video
    Stephen Colbert Gives GOP Female Anatomy LessonHe uses a device called the Vagina iTouch to find the “Filipino tubes.”
  43. oh congress!
    Eight Things Congress Doesn’t Know About Sex“When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much …”
  44. things that have been taken too far
    Authorities Investigate Rape and Death Threats Against Todd AkinToo far, guys.
  45. todd achin’
    Mike Huckabee Is the Last Republican on Earth With Todd Akin’s BackThe GOP has “left [Akin] behind on the political battlefield, wounded and bleeding.”
  46. bons mots
    Sarah Palin Refuses to Gloat“I was right.”
  47. todd achin’
    Todd Akin Fights Back With Attack on Liberal Elitist Media, FetusOn Romney: “Why couldn’t he run his race and I’ll run mine?”
  48. todd achin’
    The Clock Has Struck 6 p.m. and Todd Akin Is Still on the BallotHow he could get off the ballot in a month or so, if he wants to.
  49. shmashmortion
    GOP Dusts Off the Old Abortion PlankHow abortion became part of the GOP platform.
  50. politics
    I Love You, Todd Akin. You Make Me Want to Put on a Balaclava and Riot.What it takes to make an American woman pull a Pussy Riot.
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