Mohamed A. Mohamed, born in Somalia but a resident of upstate New York for two decades, has worked jobs in both places within the last two months. They had different stress levels: In Somalia, torn apart by terrorists and an ongoing drought, he was the prime minister. In Buffalo, he has a cubicle job at the Department of Transportation.
Last October, Mohamed met with Somalia’s president at the United Nations and was offered the job of prime minister, although he had no experience in international politics. Over the next nine months he lost twenty pounds, working fifteen-hour days in a government compound, meeting with dignitaries, and even experiencing a suicide bombing. Amid crippling famine and terrifying violence, “everywhere was dysfunction,” he said.
By June, Mohamed was pushed out, and last week, he returned to his DOT job in serene Buffalo. He and his co-workers celebrated with cake.
Return ‘home’ surreal after Somalia sojourn [Buffalo News]