A new email has emerged from this month’s ritual reading of Hillary Clinton’s mostly boring and bureaucratic emails, this time starring the presidential candidate as an old person learning how to use emoji.
In the email, Clinton asks staffer and infamous emailer Philippe Reines if her new “berry” can “get smiley faces.”
If you also have been wondering how to do the smiley faces, here is Hillary Clinton–approved advice.
It’s a great sequel to this email, in which staffer Huma Abedin has to help H.Rod operate a fax machine:
And this one, showing that Hillary hasn’t learned yet that Google has the answers to all of her questions.
This set of Clinton emails is the first to be released by the State Department since the former secretary of State’s testimony to the House Select Committee on Benghazi. Although Clinton has admitted that using a private email server was “a mistake” and she’s “sorry,” the releases of the tens of thousands of pages of heavily redacted documents have provided little fodder for her opponents, as the benign messages above show. As New York Magazine’s Rebecca Traister put it, “the revelations have been uniformly anticlimactic.”