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  1. the media
    Free-Speech Defender Bret Stephens Reports ‘Bedbug’ Joke to Critic’s BossWhen progressives tried to get Tucker Carlson fired for calling Iraqis “primitive monkeys,” the Times columnist frowned upon their illiberalism.
  2. Bedbugs Allegedly Hanging Out at Brooklyn College On the Flatbush campus.
  3. vermin!
    Bedbug Nation Attempts to Join the U.N.Gross.
  4. stand clear of the closing doors
    It’s Time for Your End-of-Summer Bedbug UpdateThey’re still all over the subway.
  5. stand clear of the closing doors
    Bedbugs Are Now Causing Delays on the SubwayWe knew we couldn’t get rid of them that easily.
  6. stand clear of the closing doors
    There Might Be More Bedbugs on the SubwayHope you’re not going to the Mets game tonight.
  7. stand clear of the closing doors
    Bedbugs Transfer to the 5 TrainWhich train will be next?!
  8. stand clear of the bedbugs
    Bedbugs Are Just Using the Subway to Get to More BedsAnd MTA employee lockers.
  9. stand clear of the bedbugs
    The Subway Has BedbugsBedbugs on the N train! (Trainbugs?)
  10. vermin!
    New York City’s Bedbug Numbers Are Way DownGood job, everyone.
  11. ew
    NYC Department of Health Has BedbugsEw.
  12. ink-stained wretches
    The Wall Street Journal Has BedbugsThe News Corp. building is on notice.
  13. What’s Worse Than Getting Arrested?Lockup + bedbugs.
  14. white men with money and bedbugs
    Bedbugs Are Getting Used to a Certain Kind of LifestyleThere’s an infestation at the Ritz.
  15. the war on bedbugs
    Fear of Bedbugs Can Be More Dangerous Than Actual BedbugsNot much of a comfort.
  16. the war on bedbugs
    Experts: ‘Bed Bugs Are Not Going Away Any Time Soon’Bad news from the front lines of the war on bedbugs.
  17. bloodsuckers
    Waldorf Astoria Bedbugs Drove Woman to Madness“I felt like something very important was taken from my life that night and was never returned.” And she doesn’t just mean her blood.
  18. puppies!!!!!!
    That Bedbug-Sniffing Dog Might Be Ripping You OffHe or she might be sniffing out a false positive. Is there no one you can trust??
  19. next level
    ‘A Condom Can’t Protect You From Bedbugs, That’s for Sure!’Stacy Handwerker is always on the lookout for a good man, but there’s one thing that she won’t be letting into her knickers: bedbugs!
  20. bedbugs
    Latest Victim of Bedbug Bloodsucking: New York City’s Tourism IndustryOh, wait, you thought we were serious about the summer of bedbugs?
  21. fall of bedbugs?
    After Bedbug Outbreak at the Ballet, Lincoln Center Finds ‘Isolated’ Incidences at the MetNo culture is too highbrow for bedbugs to crawl into.
  22. vermin!
    The Waldorf Has BedbugsThis was inevitable.
  23. the bugs
    Bedbugs Hit Wall Street JournalThey were brought in by one of the lousy subsidiary publications. OF COURSE.
  24. the bugs
    Howard Stern Becomes First Celebrity to Admit to a Bedbug ProblemWhat other celebrities have The Bugs?
  25. vermin!
    Coming Soon: Dogs Patrolling the Halls of Condé Nast, After HoursThey’ll be looking for drugs! Er, bedbugs. Definitely bedbugs.
  26. bedbugs
    Manhattan Niketown Closes Indefinitely After Bedbug InfestationThey strike again.
  27. bedbugs
    Bedbugs Are the New STDsLandlords are legally required to fill out a new disclosure form for bedbugs.
  28. bedbugs
    Bedbugs Invade Manhattan District Attorney’s OfficeCrime-fighters beware: don’t sleep on the office couch.
  29. the summer of bedbugs
    Bedbugs Descend Upon Google’s New York OfficeThe “Summer of Bedbugs” continues.
  30. bedbugs
    New York, Darwin, and Cimex LectulariousWhy the summer of bedbugs is the new normal for New York City.
  31. bedbugs
    Six Cities Worse Than New York in Terms of Bedbugs, Most Other ThingsSucks to be you, major cities in Ohio.
  32. the summer of bedbugs
    Bedbugs Hit the Empire State BuildingThe vermin has made itself known, and it’s not going away just yet.
  33. slideshow
    This Summer’s Most Shameless Slow-News Stories (So Far)This summer’s best milking-it news memes.
  34. vermin!
    Bedbug Infestation Shuts Down Times Square Movie TheaterIncidentally, is there a creepier word than “infestation”?
  35. the summer of bedbugs
    Bedbugs Attack, From Midtown to BrooklynThe Summer of Bedbugs continued this weekend.
  36. vermin!
    Government To Launch Bedbug Education Program For New YorkersThe Summer of Bedbugs gets the city’s attention.
  37. vermin!
    There Are Bedbugs Between Hachette Book Group’s CoversAs if the publishing industry doesn’t have enough problems.
  38. bedbugs they’re just like us
    Sex-Crazed Bedbugs Now Attacking Ad AgenciesThe Summer of Bedbugs continues.
  39. vermin!
    Bedbugs Now Believe They Deserve to Go to the Hamptons, TooEntitled little buggers.
  40. bedbugs
    Bill Requiring Owners to Reveal Bedbug Histories in the WorksAnother, which would compensate infestation victims, is also introduced.
  41. must love dogs
    The Latest Defense Against Bedbugs Is … ‘Adorable’Dogs on the front line against “the pest of the century.”
  42. vermin!
    Bedbugs Target College, Health DepartmentWhere will they attack next?
  43. gross things
    New Yorkers Would ‘Rather Have Rats’ Than BedbugsDon’t bother buying an apartment. It’s probably full of bedbugs.
  44. gross things
    We Are Still Living in the Age of BedbugsStop living in denial and start preparing, weaklings.
  45. neighborhood news
    Bedbugs Organize Concerted Attack on 2 Train?We’re only days away from the world of ‘Outbreak.’
  46. opportunities
    Bedbug Law Emerges As Hot New Field in Vermin-Infested New YorkIn the criminal justice system, bloodsucking is considered especially heinous.
  47. company town
    Bedbugs: A New Reason Not to Camp Out in Union SquarePlus, trouble for UBS, victory for Stephen Colbert, and one or the other for anyone who took the bar last time around, in our daily industry roundup.
  48. company town
    Scott Galloway Raises Stake, Prepares to Plunge It Into Heart of ‘NYT’FINANCE • Ah, so that’s where all the G5s on the Teterborough tarmac were headed! The private-equity world descends upon Munich for the annual spectacularly named Super Return conference. [DealBook/NYT] • Vagilante Scott Galloway and Harbinger Capital Partners raise their stake in the Times to just over 19 percent. [NYP] • Hey, everyone! Hedge funds are a risk to the entire financial system! No duh. [Business Week]
  49. company town
    Bedbugs Infest Cadwalader, Wickersham & TaftLAW • Bedbugs infest Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft’s New York office, but the person who “brought the insects into the firm … is no longer associated with the firm.” [Above the Law] • Wannabe law students are looking to blogs and independent rankings for information about prospective schools. [WSJ] • Two partners at Chadbourne & Parke are drafting a lawsuit to force the New York State Legislature to raise judicial pay. [New York Law Journal]
  50. intel
    Brooklyn Bedbugs Invade Marty Markowitz’s Building It’s not news that bedbugs are resurgent in New York, infesting all sorts of apartments in all parts of the city. But now we know the little critters might be heading for our leaders: Several residents of Marty Markowitz’s Prospect Park West apartment house confirm that the borough president’s building has an outbreak of the bugs. One resident spotted her own infestation two years ago and hired an exterminator; two months ago, another fled her apartment because of the bugs. Flyers appeared in the building last month carrying pictures of the tiny culprits and reminding residents of scheduled exterminator visits on the first Saturday of each month. Markowitz’s spokeswoman says the beep’s apartment has so far been spared. But he’s still being safe. “I’m going to go along with my building’s plans to fumigate to prevent my unit and others from getting them,” he told us via the rep. Good luck, Marty. The borough is counting on you. —Eric V. Copage