Beto O’Rourke Is Running for Governor in TexasThe former Democratic phenom must overcome past questions to challenge a strong but vulnerable Republican incumbent in a red state turning purple.
Are We Already Near the Impeachment Endgame?It’s possible Trump’s obstruction will mean House Democrats have to cut to the chase instead of holding thorough impeachment hearings.
ByEd Kilgore
vision 2020
Biden Planning One-on-One Showdown With WarrenBiden’s plan for a Super Tuesday “firewall” in case he loses early isn’t novel. But for previous presidential candidates, it meant defeat.
Beto O’Rourke Tries on Urgency for SizeThe Texas Democrat has had trouble connecting with voters. Will dire warnings about Trump and a lot more F-bombs bridge the gap?
Beto O’Rourke’s Campaign Is FounderingAmid anemic poll and fundraising numbers, it’s hard to see how the Texas congressman can bounce back into the top tier of candidates.
Democrats Are Reviving an Old Populist TraditionBold proposals from 2020 candidates aimed at reforming how government works could change Democrats’ reputation as the party of government itself.
What Do Democrats Mean by ‘Electability’?Some think centrists are more electable, and some think it’s progressives, minority candidates, or those good at telling “narratives.”