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  1. smitings
    You Know Who Loves to Cancel People? God.A Fox News host worries that the left will come for Bible characters.
  2. Oprah May Run for President After All — If God Tells Her ToWaiting for a sign from the almighty can be perilous, but probably not for Oprah.
  3. Trump Sticks to Thoughts and Prayers in Speech on Las Vegas ShootingIn remarks on the deadliest shooting in U.S. history, Trump said a lot about God’s mercy, and nothing about ISIS’s (disputed) claim of responsibility.
  4. god
    Socialists Sub Chávez for God in Venezuelan PrayerYes, Chavistas have taken over the Lord’s Prayer.
  5. early and awkward
    Every Candidate Endorsed by God Has Now Lost to Mitt RomneyWho will God support now?
  6. plumbers
    God Has Told Joe the Plumber to Run for CongressHe’s reportedly filed for a 2012 campaign.
  7. 9 11
    Latest 9/11 Ceremony Kerfuffle: Not Enough God, ApparentlyJesus, this keeps getting more complicated.
  8. tea time
    Tea Partiers Care More About Godlier Government Than Smaller GovernmentTwo professors have studied exactly what kind of people became tea partiers.
  9. god
    God’s Reelection Prospects Look GoodA majority of voters approve of God’s job performance.
  10. oh pawlease
    Tim Pawlenty Might Need a Miracle, But ABC Won’t Let Him Use Their Footage of OneIf a guy from Minnesota can’t make hockey references, what does he have left?
  11. early and awkward
    Will God Have Yet Another Candidate in the GOP Primary?Rick Perry feels “called.”
  12. early and awkward
    Rick Perry’s Plan to Fix Everything: Just Have God Do It “God, You’re going to have to fix this.”
  13. equal rites
    David Tyree’s Helmet Catch All Part of God’s Plan to Stop Gay MarriageThis is a really bad plan for someone so powerful and smart.
  14. bachmann ambition overdrive
    Michele Bachmann Wants God to Personally Select Her Campaign StaffIt’s not like he’s busy or anything.
  15. hitch-22
    Christopher Hitchens Will Not Be Participating in ‘Everybody Pray for Hitchens Day’But that doesn’t mean you have to!
  16. science is ruining god
    Bad News, Religious People: Stephen Hawking Says God Didn’t Create the UniverseHe’s a smart guy, so …
  17. 43
    Bush’s Religious Test?Forty three thinks presidents need to believe in God.
  18. plumbers
    Joe the Plumber, God to Have Another ChatGod’s going to tell Joe whether he wants him to run for higher office.
  19. church and state
    Is Chuck Schumer on a Mission From God to Protect Israel?The senator seems to suggest so.
  20. america’s sweetheart
    Sarah Palin Is Just Like God, Says Sarah PalinThe Bible says so.
  21. plumbers
    Our God Is an Awesome GodHe mercifully spares us from a Joe the Plumber congressional run.
  22. the most important people in the world
    Current Madonna and Jesus Out-Google Earlier Madonna and Jesus Nine to OneAnd this is totally old Jesus’s go-time!
  23. early and often
    We Have Obama’s Western Wall NoteHerewith, at the risk of provoking God’s everlasting indignation, is what Obama wrote.