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Ruth Bader Ginsburg

  1. supreme court
    Supreme Court Passes Up Chance to Send Signals in Review of Indiana Abortion LawIn validating fetal-remains requirements and letting a lower court’s decision striking down abortion-intent provisions stand, SCOTUS kept its counsel.
  2. vision 2020
    Why a Second Loss to Trump Would Be an Existential Crisis for DemocratsHellscape 2021.
  3. supreme court
    Supreme Court Applies Ban on ‘Excessive Fines’ to States and LocalitiesThe unanimous decision could have a big impact on state and local government, sparking many lawsuits aimed at fines, fees, and asset seizures.
  4. clarence thomas
    Is Trump Trying to Ease Clarence Thomas Off the Supreme Court?A Thomas retirement this year would probably give conservatives an extended hold on the Supreme Court.
  5. supreme court
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg Discharged From Hospital Following Lung Cancer SurgeryShe’s reportedly recovering at home.
  6. supreme court
    Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Released From Hospital After FallThe 85-year-old broke three ribs, but is apparently “doing well.”
  7. the kavanaugh hearings
    Most Americans Can’t Name a Supreme Court JusticeThis fact is crucial to a choice the Democrats made when deciding their strategy to oppose Kavanaugh
  8. Let’s Say Ruth Bader Ginsburg Retires in 2023. Then What?Even if Trump is reelected, his ability to reshape the Supreme Court depends on GOP control of the Senate, which looks iffy for 2020 and 2022.
  9. Amy Coney Barrett Looks Like a Future Trump SCOTUS PickBarrett made a strong impression on Donald Trump, who can just see her and her large family at a photo op announcing a future SCOTUS nomination.
  10. Grassley to Aging Supreme Court Justices: Retire NowThe Republican senator says that if any justices are thinking of retiring in the near future, they should do so before this year’s midterm elections.
  11. Ruth Bader Ginsburg Has No Plans to Go Anywhere Anytime SoonConservatives pining for a fifth SCOTUS vote to overturn Roe v. Wade may have to win the 2020 election to outlast Ginsburg.
  12. A 2018 Anthony Kennedy Retirement Would Light Up a Fiery Battle for the SenateThe 2018 electoral landscape is currently focused on the House. But a postelection SCOTUS-confirmation fight could make every Senate seat matter.
  13. Ruth Bader Ginsburg Calls Kaepernick’s Protest ‘Dumb’ and ‘Arrogant’“Would I arrest them for doing it? No,” the liberal icon said of Kaepernick and his fellow NFL protesters. “I think it’s dumb and disrespectful.”
  14. Ruth Bader Ginsburg Wants to Be Less NotoriousThe Supreme Court justice says her recent denunciations of Trump were “ill-advised,” and she promises to be more “circumspect” in the future.
  15. the national interest
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the Disintegration of Political NormsA justice’s indefensible behavior.
  16. Ruth Bader Ginsburg Calls Trump a ‘Faker.’ Trump Says Ginsburg’s ‘Mind Is Shot.’The Notorious RBG triples down on publicly denigrating the GOP nominee. Trump does not approve. Neither does the New York Times.
  17. the supremes
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg Jokes That She’ll Move to New Zealand If Trump Is ElectedIn case she was unclear last week, she’s Team Hillary.
  18. SCOTUS Rejects Challenge to One-Person-One-VoteThis decision wasn’t affected by Justice Scalia’s death.
  19. ruth bader ginsburg
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg Has Been Reading Up on the Notorious B.I.G.“Both of us were born and raised in Brooklyn.”
  20. staring contest
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg Looks Directly Into the Selfie’s SoulIt wasn’t immediately clear whether she was horrified by what she found, or whether she found a worthy adversary. 
  21. get well get well soon we want you to get well
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg Had Heart Surgery, But She’s Fine NowThe 81-year-old Supreme Court justice started feeling sick during her Tuesday night workout.
  22. equal rites
    Gay-Marriage Bans Are Back in 4 StatesThe first loss for equality in a long time.
  23. the national interest
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Reason Not to Retire Makes No SenseShe may understand the law, but she doesn’t understand the Senate.
  24. chosen ones
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg Knows All About the Notorious R.B.G. Meme“I will admit I had to be told by my law clerks, what’s this Notorious.”
  25. equal rites
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg Will Officiate Her First Gay Wedding TonightThe judge will marry Kennedy Center president Michael M. Kaiser and his fiancé.
  26. the supremes
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg Doesn’t Plan on Retiring Anytime SoonBut the 80-year-old has stopped waterskiing.
  27. the supremes
    Sotomayor Talks About How SCOTUS Is Like NYCThe take-out situation is really bad.
  28. the supremes
    Justice Ginsburg Made June’s Historic Decisions With Two Cracked RibsBut it didn’t even slow her down.
  29. the supremes
    Rest of Supreme Court Probably Bewildered by Scalia and Kagan’s Electronic Reading RectanglesOtherwise known as an iPad and a Kindle.
  30. the supremes
    Anthony Kennedy Could Do With Fewer New Yorkers on the CourtCrybaby.
  31. photo op
    These Guys Can’t Agree on AnythingThe latest official portrait of the Supreme Court is hilarious.
  32. get well soon
    Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Taken to HospitalThe justice felt faint after iron treatment.
  33. the supremes
    Justice Ginsburg Makes Cryptic Remark About Court OpeningSomebody’s leaving soon?
  34. compassionate conservatism
    Kentucky Senator Awaits the Death of Ruth Bader GinsburgSweet guy, that Jim Bunning.
  35. early and often
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg Underwent Surgery for Pancreatic CancerIt was caught early and she should be back in action in seven to ten days, doctors say.
  36. company town
    Being Filthy Rich Means Never Having to Say You’re SorryFINANCE • Fortune searches Davos for financiers to express contrition over the current credit crisis but comes up empty. The closest anyone has come, the magazine notes, is the chairman and chief executive of Moody’s Corp, who said, “We and others have to retool our processes … In hindsight, it’s clear to us that there were fundamental failures in key assumptions supporting our analytical models.” Quoth Fortune: “That’s probably a little too mealy-mouthed and much too late to console people who bought the mortgage-backed commercial paper to which Moody’s and its rival Standard & Poor’s gave a top-notch AAA rating — only to discover it was actually junk.” Snap! [Fortune] • Just how big a fraud did Jérôme Kerviel, the rogue French trader, pull off? Before the bank caught him, he had taken out positions worth 50 billion euros. But some argue that he was responsible for only 1.5 billion euros in losses, and the bank’s board lost the other 3.4 billion euros unwinding his positions way too fast. Meanwhile, top executive Jean-Pierre Mustier told the Times: “I was speaking to a competitor, this competitor called me and said, ‘You are living what is a banker’s worst nightmare.’” Imagine how dramatic that must have sounded in French. [FT, NYT] • Bonuses now in the bank, Goldman rewarded bankers for a record-setting year with a special surprise: layoffs! [Deal Journal/WSJ]