- September 26, 2005 | Feature
- Clarification
Indie satire or swimsuit model?
- September 19, 2005 | Feature
- Sweet and Vicious
Nine years ago, Magnolia started a revolution. But now the bakery’s children are going to court to fight over the crumbs. The sticky tale of Buttercup vs. Little Cupcake and the sugar-frosting of America.
- September 19, 2005 | Television
- Mommy Dearest: Jessica Walter
Anyone can play a bitch. The trick is to play a bitch we can root for.
- September 12, 2005 | Fall Preview 2005 - Television
- Desperate Couples
Inconceivable finds the heartbreak in infertility�and the comedy.
- September 12, 2005 | Fall Preview 2005 - Television
- Mensch and Supermensch
In Head Cases, Adam Goldberg proves once again that neurotic wack jobs can be sexy too.
- September 5, 2005 | Feature
- Turn Your Head and Giggle
Mark Leyner and an M.D. pal squeeze a best seller out of bodily curiosities.
- August 8, 2005 | Television
- Dorothy Snarker
Comedian Kathy Griffin either loves to hate Hollywood or hates to love it. Just so long as she’s part of the show.
- July 18, 2005 | Television
- Instant Replay
Mocking the 2004 election�again.
- July 4, 2005 | Profile
- Totally Hot Fake Couples!
For publicity-savvy celebrities, a sultry summer romance is the ultimate photo op. Forget Brangelina. Jennifer Aniston, meet W. Mark Felt.
- July 4, 2005 | Television
- Bad Boy: Bobby Brown
"Everybody wants to know what Bobby Brown is doing, so I figured I’d give it to them without the middleman."