- January 10, 2005 | Feature
- Parental Units: The Perverse Charm of Stunt Casting
Stunt casting�in which a character’s parents turn out to be a pair of famous actors�has recently become a favorite ploy for both sitcoms and the comedy movies that mimic them.
- January 3, 2005 | Television
- Bicoastal Disorder
Arrested Development star David Cross is returning to New York with an old-school comedy show. With indie cred galore, why does he still feel like an L.A. failure?
- December 20, 2004 | Intelligencer
- Anchors Are Forever (Well, Almost Forever)
The race to be the new Dan Rather vs. the race to be the new James Bond.
- December 20, 2004 | It Happened This Year: A Guide to 2004
- Carrie Bradshaw Went Off the Market.
Sex and the City may no longer be on HBO, but it’s alive and well on at least one tour bus.
- December 20, 2004 | Long Story Short
- How �Lemony Snicket’ Grew From a Friendly Goof to a Blockbuster
From "friendly goof" to Hollywood blockbuster in seven steps.
- December 20, 2004 | Feature
- Action-Flick Ingenue: Parker Posey
Parker Posey is so often referred to as an �indie queen� that it’s a mild shock to find her in Blade: Trinity.
- December 6, 2004 | Television
- Castaway: Eric Anderson
Eric Anderson is a sociology professor at SUNY�Stony Brook specializing in homophobia and gay athletes.
- November 15, 2004 | Intelligencer
- Oh, Canada
You’re ready to move north�but where should you go?
- November 15, 2004 | Feature
- Boy, Interrupted
Johnny Depp escaped the teen-idol trap. But can the brilliant actor survive respectability?
- November 1, 2004 | Feature
- Why is Nicole Kidman so Hard to Love?
With career choices this bold and admirably diverse. . .