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Adam Sternbergh

January 10, 2005 | Feature
Parental Units: The Perverse Charm of Stunt Casting

Stunt casting�in which a character’s parents turn out to be a pair of famous actors�has recently become a favorite ploy for both sitcoms and the comedy movies that mimic them.

January 3, 2005 | Television
Bicoastal Disorder

Arrested Development star David Cross is returning to New York with an old-school comedy show. With indie cred galore, why does he still feel like an L.A. failure?

December 20, 2004 | Intelligencer
Anchors Are Forever (Well, Almost Forever)

The race to be the new Dan Rather vs. the race to be the new James Bond.

December 20, 2004 | It Happened This Year: A Guide to 2004
Carrie Bradshaw Went Off the Market.

Sex and the City may no longer be on HBO, but it’s alive and well on at least one tour bus.

December 20, 2004 | Long Story Short
How �Lemony Snicket’ Grew From a Friendly Goof to a Blockbuster

From "friendly goof" to Hollywood blockbuster in seven steps.

December 20, 2004 | Feature
Action-Flick Ingenue: Parker Posey

Parker Posey is so often referred to as an �indie queen� that it’s a mild shock to find her in Blade: Trinity.

December 6, 2004 | Television
Castaway: Eric Anderson

Eric Anderson is a sociology professor at SUNY�Stony Brook specializing in homophobia and gay athletes.

November 15, 2004 | Intelligencer
Oh, Canada

You’re ready to move north�but where should you go?

November 15, 2004 | Feature
Boy, Interrupted

Johnny Depp escaped the teen-idol trap. But can the brilliant actor survive respectability?

November 1, 2004 | Feature
Why is Nicole Kidman so Hard to Love?

With career choices this bold and admirably diverse. . .