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Adam Sternbergh

April 18, 2005 | Television
Getting the Hook

As rumors of cancellation spread, 'Arrested Development' rages against the dying of the light.

April 11, 2005 | Feature
Wit: Christopher Guest

I find it really appalling when people talk about comedy. The minute you start pontificating, it’s like, �Please don’t be alive anymore.�

March 14, 2005 | Television
Good-bye, �NYPD Blue’!

The last cop show with characters.

March 14, 2005 | Theater
Smarty Pants

The star of Thom Pain is the talk of the town. Will success get James Urbaniak just what he deserves?

March 7, 2005 | Profile
Lizzie Grubman’s Star Vehicle

Is the original power girl a new woman?

February 21, 2005 | Television
Back in a Flash

Jennifer Beals has finally shed her girl-in-a- torn-sweatshirt image in favor of a decidedly different, grown-up kind of sexuality.

February 7, 2005 | Television
Dispatchers: Joe and Harry Gantz

Taxicab Confessions is exactly what it sounds like: backseat confessions, captured by hidden cameras.

January 24, 2005 | Feature
The Passion of the Christos

The Gates, in Central Park, 26 years in the making, mile upon mile of billowing fabric, is the largest artwork since the Sphinx. But what does it mean? As Jeanne-Claude might say, what a dumb question.

January 24, 2005 | Television
Gal Friday: Traylor Howard

Great shows often rely on the crackle of a sharp, quasi-contentious, and borderline-romantic relationship.

January 10, 2005 | Television
Sidekick: Tom Poston

Committed has surprising charm, thanks to offbeat touches and inspired casting, most notably a role for the deadpan Tom Poston as �Clown,� a dying clown who lives in a walk-in closet.