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Wendy Goodman

October 4, 2011
Space of the Week: The Museum of Refrigerator Art (and Slides)

The space is bright and airy and filled with eye-opening exhibits and spacious activities studios.

September 28, 2011
First Look: The Other Tea Party Movement

The setting is as soothing and elegant as the loose-leaf teas on the shelves.

September 20, 2011
First Look: Prince Street Americana

A newly opened interior-design showroom and shop at 32 Prince Street is a revelation.

September 26, 2011 | Great Room
Six Books Per Square Foot

How does a minimalist architect deal with a client’s truckload of printed matter? By building a very long bookshelf, for starters.

September 14, 2011
First Look: Love at First Knoll

First Lady Michelle Obama bestowed Knoll with a Cooper-Hewitt National Design Award for Corporate and Institutional Achievement�a well-deserved honor.

September 14, 2011
Space of the Week: Living Happily With �Seventies Abominations�

Sean is one of those industrious people who collects �trash� furniture and thoroughly transforms it.

September 7, 2011
Behind Closed Doors: Crime and Punishment and Norwegian Architects

Once you get off the elevator, you know that you are in the right place.

September 7, 2011
Space of the Week: Even a Minimalist Can’t Resist a Flea Market

The a freelance editor and set designer lives in spartan luxury.

August 30, 2011
First Look: An Old-Fashioned Lair With a Twist

The bite-size home-design shop Overbey and Dunn has a new installation called �Gentleman/Boudoir,� created by decorator Russell Piccione.

August 30, 2011
Space of the Week: A Designer Plays Organizational Tetris

When honored Columbia University professor Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak moved to her Upper West Side prewar apartment in 2008, she took 40 years’ worth of acquired objects with her from her old apartment. Still living out of cardboard boxes three years after the move, Spivak realized she needed some professional help.