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The Underground Gourmet Archive

February 22, 1999

In a Mexican grotto on 14th Street, kitsch provides the kick, but it's shrimp tostadas and earthy enchiladas that keep the crowds returning to El Rey del Sol.

January 25, 1999
Flee the Market

When bargain hunting in Chelsea wears you out, the offbeat restaurant row on West 25th Street -- Antique Cafe, Milanes, and Johny's -- is the perfect refuge.

January 11, 1999
Let It B

Is it possible to find peace on Avenue B? Radio Perfecto provides an excellent spot for conflict resolution, plus great bistro fare.

January 11, 1999
October 12, 1998
Indian Summer

New York's nouvelle-Indian explosion continues apace with Surya, where home cooking gets a distinctly downtown lift.

September 28, 1998
The Review

Despite its generic name, the Place is anything but bland and nondescript.

August 10, 1998
Eclectic Avenue

Columbus Avenue's Avenue Bistro does credit to the genre, but with an inventive menu that is far from slavishly Gallic.

April 13, 1998
Lady From Shanghai

Shanghai is a fast town that cooks its food slowly. Josephine Feng's Shanghai Cuisine brings the region's high braise to Bayard Street.

March 30, 1998
Eastern Parade

You can find good Korean food in Manhattan. But for a 24-hour extravaganza (complete with waterfalls), head to Flushing.

March 23, 1998
Good Grill Hunting

The theater district's Chimichurri Grill offers an Argentine menu that doesn’t just phone it in.