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The Underground Gourmet Archive

December 19, 2005
A Pintxo of This

Small is beautiful at an East Village tapas bar.

November 7, 2005
From Brooklyn to Bayona and Back Again

If the Underground Gourmet were to suddenly lose his mind and open a restaurant, the first thing he'd do is post an ad on Craigslist, which seems to be the trick to unearthing superb kitchen talent these days.

October 31, 2005
Bring in Da Funk!

A rising-star chef rekindles his love affair with intense Malaysian flavors, laid-back ambience, and challenging finger food.

September 26, 2005
Hidden Treasure

The deliciously quirky cooking at the Queen’s Hideaway is worth seeking out.

August 15, 2005
Bright Light

Luz finds its Nuevo Latino niche somewhere between Manhattan flash and outer-borough authenticity.

June 6, 2005

Noodles and dumplings get dished up in seconds flat at two new Chinese spots.

April 25, 2005
Indian Village

At Lassi, curry-in-a-hurry gets a fresh twist and a new home.

March 23, 2005

Interesting sentence about restaurant

March 7, 2005
A Real Heel

By focusing on a lesser-known region, Ama makes Italian food taste fresh again.

February 28, 2005
A Nice Fit

If it had any interest in jumping on the current menu-concept bandwagon, Chino's could label its multiethnic small plates �Asian tapas.�