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The Underground Gourmet Archive

December 3, 2007
Building a Better Coffee Bar

Eat, drink, and be merry�but leave the laptop at home.

October 29, 2007
Small Is Beautiful

A Tía Pol spinoff spurns the clichés of the tapas bar, but embraces its spirit (well, except for the slushies).

October 1, 2007
Mexican for Dumbo

A former art-supply store is now serving some of the best Mexican snacks this side of the Red Hook ball fields.

August 13, 2007
Something Barrio, Something New

Cuban-style cooking and mom-and-pop hospitality in the East Village.

June 11, 2007
Nouvelle Wieners

Two new doggeries refine the art of eating tubesteaks.

May 14, 2007
Brussels Sprout

A deceptively ambitious new spot proves there’s more to Belgian food than waffles and fries.

April 16, 2007
Quiet Riot

At Silent H, the flavors speak for themselves.

March 5, 2007
The Greek System

High quality, low prices, and killer souvlaki at Kefi.

February 5, 2007
Son of Bistro Burger

In the Village, pub grub with a famous pedigree.

December 18, 2006
Got Soy Milk?

Heavenly desserts in Hell’s Kitchen.