Miracle On The Hudson - New York Magazine
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Miracle On The Hudson

  1. animal control
    70,000 Birds Have Paid the Ultimate Price Since the ‘Miracle on the Hudson’There hasn’t been a bird-related plane crash in New York since Flight 1549, but that safety record has come at an enormous avian cost.
  2. miracle on the hudson
    NTSB Investigators Are Mad They’re the Bad Guys in Sully“We’re not the KGB. We’re not the Gestapo.”
  3. Tom Hanks Is Roaming the Streets As Captain Sully, So Watch Out, Geese!He is literally the captain now.
  4. biopics
    Clint Eastwood, 2009 Nostalgist, to Make ‘Miracle on the Hudson’ MovieCall it American Pilot, maybe?
  5. miracle on the hudson
    Sully Toasts to Life on Miracle AnniversaryThe pilot and some of his survivors took a ferry cruise on the river.
  6. plane crashes
    Plane Crash Off Yonkers Becomes Small-Scale Miracle on the HudsonThe two victims got wet before they got rescued.
  7. miracle on the hudson
    Captain Sully Is an Expert on EverythingHe knows birds, planes, and trash.
  8. miracle on the hudson
    Miracle on the Hudson Plane Will Likely Retire to North CarolinaNew York museums didn’t think it was worth the effort.
  9. good fortune on the runway
    Captain Sully a Little Bit Jealous of the ‘New Captain Sully’?His landing was good, but not good enough to really excite Sully.
  10. terrorists of the sky
    Parks Service Protecting Scheming Bird TerroristsAn unconscionable security lapse in the war on bird terror.
  11. miracle on the hudson
    Sully Definitely Could Have Just Landed at the Airport Like a Normal PersonSo why didn’t he?
  12. miracle on the hudson
    The Miracle on the Hudson Plane Auction Has Been Mysteriously ‘Postponed Indefinitely’Something is fishy, and not just the smell of the seats.
  13. miracle on the hudson
    Captain Sully’s Last Flight Is TodayFingers crossed!
  14. terrorists of the sky
    Bird Generals Revisit Site of Hudson River VictoryA pair of eagles has been mysteriously hanging around the site of the Miracle on the Hudson landing.
  15. miracle on the hudson
    The Smithsonian Won’t Be Bidding on the Miracle on the Hudson PlaneIt’s nothing personal, though.
  16. miracle on the hudson
    Who Is Going to Buy the Miracle on the Hudson Plane?We have our guesses.
  17. miracle on the hudson
    Plane Flying Religious ‘Miracle on the Hudson’ Banner Crash-LandsThis was basically asking for it.
  18. miracle on the hudson
    Miracle on the Hudson Passenger to Finally Return CoatThe survivors are returning to the Island — we mean, the Hudson.
  19. miracle on the hudson
    Behind Our Miracle on the Hudson Photo ShootLaura Zych and Ben Bostic, who met and fell in love through the extraordinary events of January 15, 2009, return to the city for another cruise down the Hudson.
  20. hero pilots
    The Sullenbergers Are Having a Lot of Hot Sex, in Case You Were WonderingIt’s what they refer to as “Hero Sex” and “Rock Star Sex.”
  21. miracle on the hudson
    Sully and Langewiesche in Nerdy Pilot ArgumentSully’s a hero, so he wins.
  22. nature’s terrorists
    Goose Attack on Flight 1549 Was ‘Warning Shot,’ Says Expert“Eventually, something is going to happen.”
  23. bea
    Sully Aces BookExpo AppearanceWith the attention of more than 100 conventiongoers at stake, Sully’s heroic brevity at BookExpo landed listeners safely at the five o’clock cocktail hour.
  24. miracle on the hudson
    Eerie New Photos From the ‘Miracle on the Hudson’Removal of the wreckage provides a sobering reminder of just how dangerous birds can be.
  25. miracle on the hudson
    Experience Your Own Miracle on the HudsonA new iPhone app allows players to simulate Captain Sullenberger’s heroic moves.
  26. terrorists of the sky
    Finally, We Are Winning the War on TerrorAccording to a report released today, nearly a third of U.S birds are endangered, threatened, or in “significant decline.”
  27. why they hate us
    Flight 1549 First Officer Surprisingly Naïve About Bird Attacks“I’m sure they didn’t intend that,” he told Larry King. HA!
  28. miracle on the hudson
    Sully Rewarded With Useless Key, Boring-Sounding BookThat’s how grateful we truly are.
  29. miracle on the hudson
    ‘It Was the Worst, Sickening, Pit of My Stomach Falling Through the Floor Feeling I’ve Ever Had in My Life’Chesley Sullenberger, the hero pilot of Flight 1549, described his plane’s attack at the hands of terrorist birds.
  30. it is really irritating to work with irritating people
    ‘We’re Going to Be in the Hudson’“I’m sorry, what?”
  31. why they hate us
    The Smoking Feather!The terrorist birds who took down US Airways Flight 1549 left a calling card.
  32. why they hate us
    Richard Meier’s Glass Tower a Boon to National Security’An all-glass building adjacent to the park is a deathtrap for birds,’ says the head of the Audubon Society.
  33. miracle on the hudson
    Inevitable Entitlement of US Air Flight 1549 Passengers Begins to Rear Its HeadLet’s make sure we can tarnish this great American moment as fast as possible, shall we?
  34. why they hate us
    Bird Attackers Left Sinister CluesInvestigators examining the engines of US Airways Flight 1549 found a single, telltale feather left behind by the avian assailants.
  35. miracle on the hudson
    Left Engine of US Airways Flight 1549 Found, ExaminedLater it will be pulled up for investigation on land.
  36. miracle on the hudson
    Uh-Oh: US Airways Plane Had a ‘Previous Malfunction’The good feelings could only last for so long.
  37. miracle on the hudson
    Birds: Why They Hate UsBirds have been attacking humans since humans began to fly.
  38. the miracle of capitalism
    Jeff Kolodjay’s First Endorsement Deal Is on the Way!The star of ‘the Miracle on the Hudson’ is getting swag already!
  39. miracle on the hudson
    Captain Sullenberger to Receive Key to the CityNow he’ll be able to get into Gramercy Park!
  40. miracle on the hudson
    Jeff Kolodjay: The Face of Flight 1549The Norwalk resident is like the Baby Jessica of the Miracle on the Hudson.
  41. miracle on the hudson
    Meet C.B. ‘Sully’ SullenbergerHe’s the hero who saved 155 passengers on US Airways Flight 1549 yesterday.