Happy HalloweenOh, look who is so cute in his little costume! Look who is so cute is his widdle scrumdiddlyumptious costume! You are such a little devil. Aw. Yes, you are. But you’re a good boy, aren’t you? Such a good boy! Whaddda widdle good boy you are! Yes, you are. Yes, you are.
Hi, readers.
Didn’t see you there. Anyway, er … Happy Halloween!
Earlier: The Best of Thompkin’s Square Park’s annual Dog Parade
Weird Al Apparently Still Fat. Really, Really FatIn our continuing quest to get you cultured and well fed (remember Jason Wishnow’s scenes of vegetable sensuality?), we offer the video of what must be the best song about food since Weird Al Yankovic’s “Eat It” or perhaps R. Kelly’s “Sex in the Kitchen.” Appropriately enough, the new contender is a Weird Al interpretation of an R. Kelly Song: “Trapped in the Drive-Thru.” If you think waiting in line for a pig’s tail and a gallon of beer at Fette Sau is harrowing, let this eleven-minute epic serve as a reminder of how much worse the burbs have it. Don’t be fooled by the lines “And now we’re finally drivin’ away / And the food is drivin’ me mad / With its intoxicating bouquet.” This one doesn’t end happily.